Sometimes, a new light shimmers -21-

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Tugging on the slate of stone, you grumbled, falling to the sandy floor. Although you had previously decided to just give up, a good feeling had popped up into your head, some hope.

You finally had managed to start pulling the rock inland towards your shack when a loud crash sounded back by your make shift home.

Running over, you peered from behind a rock at the large vehicle, it seemed oddly familiar. You could only see the backs of the people as they stared out at the horizon.

Glancing over to your shack, you realized the newcomers had crushed it with their ship. You flinched as you prepared to run out, but kept second guessing yourself. You were sure you were standing there for a whole hour before something actually happened

The one with really tall hair, walked around the shipwreck and dug around for a minute before lifting the board and picking up something underneath, "Yes! We have foil!" He cheered, his voice seemed familiar.

They all gathered ontop of the deck and a memory was suppressing itself. You knew who these people were. But how? Were they from Ninjago? 

The newcomers seemed to be working on a machine, you were honestly quite jealous of the materials they had. But it didn't seem like their contraption was working. You snuck behind the rocks to get a bit further, in hopes of hearing them.

"We're never getting home!" The tall haired one yelled, storming off.

The blue shirted one chuckled, "So it doesn't work. I'm telling you guys, I've been feeling is much better now that I've accepted out situation. This is our new home." Well he lasted even less than you, maybe you could beat them in a fight 1:4 and steal their stuff. 

The shaggy haired man sighed, "You..don't sound like yourself, Jay." Jay? There was no chance this was the Ninja right? They looked completely different, there was no way. Tons of people were named Jay. Heck your second cousin twice removed was named think.

"I'm just saying you down have to freak out about it." Bluey continued again. "Heh. It could be worse."

Red groaned, "Worse? Worse?! A strange tea lady just marooned us in the Realm of Oni and Dragon. A realm, mind you, we know nothing about, with no hope of getting home, and no clue as to what else is out here!" 

"Uh, Oni and Dragons, duh?"

Shaggy groaned, "Sure, Jay. We've all seen dragons. But aren't you the least not concerned about coming across Oni? I mean, we hardly know anything about them."

Some else seemed to be speaking, but they were behind everyone else, "Except that they like to destroy, and-" 

Jay chuckled, "What are the chances of the weird figure behind me to be an Oni?"

Everyone looked back in your direction, you dove down and drew your sword. You could sense them walking around the rocks. Digging your heel into the ground, you waited for the right moment to attack them. 

The walked around and you lept at them. They all dodged and looked at you, so you dove at the tall haired one. He had unfortunately grabbed a board from the remains of your shack an blocked your sword, though it was slicing through it.

He started at you, "..Y/n?!"

 You pulled your sword back, walking backwards. "Who are you." You demanded, you needed to know if it was really them or just your imagination.

 He pulled down his red mask, "It's us! You remember us right? Kai, Cole, Zane and--tsk--Blueberry? You- you haven't forgotten have you?" 

"That's me! I'm Blueberry!" The almost drunken acting Jay called out.

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