Kai should never go into politics -72-

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Kai groaned, his hand ablaze as if it was a torch. "Are we just going in circles?"

"I believe my internal gyroscopic positioning would alert me if that were the case." Zane responded, glancing at the walls. "Unless the rock in this cave is ferrous or naturally magnetized."

You sighed, placing your hand on the wall. The atoms were jittering and were pulling on each other, but when you lifted up your metal shoulder pad up to it, it didn't attract it. "Seems like it is. One of those.. what's it called... diamagnetism or something?"

Yawning, Kai's hand flickered, "I understand that, but I'm not sure if Zane does, so could you explain it to him?"

"I understand it perfectly Kai."

He groaned, "Fine! What does that mean?"

You glanced up, trying to remember what it was. "It's like when the atoms are magnetic, but they pair up so it doesn't attract anything, I think. Somehow, it's messing with Zane though."

Kai scoffed, "Nerd." Of course it was jokingly, he was just kidding. He paused, glancing down. "I've seen this rock before... We passed this rock an hour ago! I knew it! I just said-"

"All Geckles Hail! The savior of the cave! She was strong, she was tough. She was very, very brave!"

You hid behind a stone, listening to what seemed like Geckles singing.

"The great warrior Gilly! The savior of the cave. Left us the blade about which we rave. A great blade of Ivory, stolen by greed. SOOOOOOOOOoooo we won't give up until our blade is freed!!"

You cringed, covering your ears. You didn't think anyone could suck at singing more than Kai.

"The moss is particularly plump and juicy today. More moss milk for everyone! Huzzah!" A Geckle screamed, overjoyed.

What the fuck was moss milk.

"There's so much today! We should've brought more buckets. It's so putrid and rotten!" Another Geckle announced, before their ladder fell onto Kai, spilling the 'Moss Milk' all over him.

He started spitting it out, complaining how it got into his mouth. He rushed over behind another rock and started retching and throwing up. Fun.

The Geckles came over confused. "Who are they? They must be in league with the Skull Sorcerer!"

"Hmm..." Another one approached, "Aren't all the Skull Sorcerer's servants evil skeletons..?"

"Right. Yes. That means... They must be skeletons!"

"For skeletons, they seem rather fleshy."

Zane finished helping Kai calm down and stood up. "We are not working for the Skull Sorcerer. In fact, we just orchestrated an escape from him and freed several other Geckles."

"Hah! Likely story, fleshy skeleton!"

You groaned. "We aren't skeletons! I mean- we have them.. by we also have organs, and muscles, and cells, and... Other shit."

Zane sighed. "I have none of those things. I am a Nindroid." Not helping your case Zane.

"Let us destroy then so we don't have to listen to theirs of these Flesh-Skeletons!" Two Geckles started walking towards you with their brooms.

The third one stood in front of them. "Wait! We should be sure! Let's take them to Chancellor Gulch. He'll know what to do."

Kai nodded, "Yeah! Good idea! Take us to your leader. He'll know." Great way to be an alien, Kai.


"Ginkle, Garpo, Groko? Aren't you supposed to be out milking moss?" A Geckle on a podium asked, in a really old sounding accent. He rolled his Rs too much. And he sounded vaguely like Stewie Griffin.

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