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"-Cant it just be enough that we're tired up to giant poles in the middle of the desert?Don't forget Wu is being held hostage, forced to steal Iron Baron the Dragon Armor so that he can become invincible! Heck, Y/n passed out and is all tingly! That's not good!" Someone was yelling next to you.

You slowly opened your eyes, the bright sun causing you to be blinded for a minute, but it quickly subsided. Something started prodding at your arm so you lifted your head up to see a large bird picking at the remains of your tattered sleeve. 

Opening your eyes fully, you realized you were still held captive by the Dragon Hunters, but there seemed to be an argument happening between them. You quiet your breath, as an attempt to try and hear them better. You were faced opposite so it's all you could do. 

Jay chuckled, "Probably arguing which one of us to eat first." 

Faith scoffed, "Dragon Hunters do not eat people. 

He sarcastically grinned, "Well, that's good to know, Faith. So it isn't all bad."

On the opposite pole, Kai lightly gasped, and you could barley make out his red Gi, "This is our chance. While they're distracted, let's see if we can get these-" he started kicking back and forth, like a chicken, "-poles rocking back and forth. By- rocking our- bodies. From side- to- side." He seemed tired, grunting in-between each word and he shimmied in his chains. 

Sighing, Cole shoom his head, "Yeah..I'm not doing that." 

"That won't be helpful." Zane agreed. The robot was adjacent to you on the other pole, and he seemed to have sand falling from small gaps in his metal plates. 

As Kai urged everyone to work as a team, you went back to focusing on Faith.

She sighed, "I hope the Son of the Spinjitzu Master figures something out. This oafs obviously aren't suited for this." 

Faith was right, they seemed much less alert, and uniform as they had at the Tournament of Elements, even with Cole and Jay fighting most of the time. 

You went back to listening to the riots of the Dragon Hunter's. 

"You're not in charge. This is not your choice! Listen to me.. you don't know anything! EVERYTIME I SUGGEST-" Jet-Jack got cutt off by Muffle spitting indecipherable nonsense, apparently some people managed to understand it. "Aw come on! Your not actually saying that?!"

You could hear the mechanic burr of No-legs walking up to Jet-Jack, "Hey, he's just saying what we're all thinking."

Jet-Jack scoffed, Dragon Hunters really liked doing that. "Oh, yeah! And I suppose you think you should be in charge?"

"Y/n!" You looked over to Jay beside you. "Are you even listening?!"

You blinked, "Obviously I was not." 

He rolled his eyes, "We're actually starting to make the poles fall. Don't just sit there, try to help us out at least."

Sighing, you started to rock back and forth, these guys still had wacky ideas like before, though they did seem to work most of the time. 

Everyone started chanting teamwork at a concerning level. You were all going to be caught because of saying the word "teamwork."

Your prediction was answered when Jet-Jack flew up to your pole and hovered near Jay, "What do you think you're doing?" 

Jay nervously chuckled, "Ah- Uhm- heh- nothin'." 

If you could reach up to your face, you would've face palmed. 

Jet-Jack lifted her dual sided blade to Jay's throat, "THEY ARE GOING TO EAT US!" He screamed in terror. 

Then she did something you would've never actually expected. She started cutting you all loose. 

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