Trap -59-

720 27 61

//tw: gun violence, MANY non-permanent deaths, and blood I'll mark it with a "☆" symbol so if u want u can skip through it.


"I still don't get how you got that group of nutjobs to do everything you say." Kai scoffed, walking through the portal.

Jay jumped in front of him, "The League of Jays aren't 'nutjobs.' They're fans, and their awesome."

You rolled your eyes, picking at the new Gi you got given. The mask was slightly uncomfortable, and had limited vision, so you just took it off instead. (Not really taking off, it just kind of dissolved from your head.) "Just because their fans, doesn't mean they're not nutjobs, Jay."

Jay gaped is mouth. "You're just jealous because-"

Nya pushed between you both, sighing, "Can we focus for a second on the reason we're here? To get one of those 3 key..thingies we need to unlock the final arcade cabinet and get into Unagami's Temple?" Clearly, you did not listen to what was going on as good as you read criminal reports.

Kai put a hand on his masked chin, "What were they called again? Those key things..?"


Looking over, a man dressed in a white Gi, with his black hair in a tall pony tail had emerged from a small house.

Nya smiled, "Oh, Hi. Who are you?"

He continued frowning. "I am terrible." Oh. You could've made a silly dad joke, but that might've been considered rude. "I was a guide. It was my duty to lead adventurers such as yourselves through this land."

Terrible talked really fast.

"And you're not anymore?" Jay asked, stepping up.

He shook his head, "I have failed too many masters. To my endless shame." He glanced across the way, to a field of scattered katanas. Why did he have so many swords?

Lloyd pursed his lips, looking around. "Well, we'd be honored to have your help."

Kai scoffed, "Yeah, because we really have no clue what we're doing. I mean like none, nada."

"Don't worry buddy, we've lost plenty of fights too. But you can't let it get you down, right?" Cole asked, comforting Terrible.

Lloyd stepped forward with a soft smile, "I'm Lloyd. What's your name?"

"I...I am Okino." Oh. So his name wasn't Terrible.

He nodded. "Nice to meet you Okino. That's Cole, Kai, Y/n, Nya, and Jay."

Okino picked up his sword and bowed. "I am honored. Allow me, humbly, to pledge my service."

Nya started disagreeing, saying you didn't need a guide so Okino stepped up to her.

"I, Okino, Samurai, pledge to serve you and do all in my power to protect you and guide you to the Keytana." He knelt down, bowing again. This guy really, really, had some honor.

Lloyd started talking when Kai interrupted him. "Just out of curiosity, when you said you had failed all your previous masters, how many are we talking here. Two? Three?"

Nya started whispering to him how rude it was, as Okino pointed towards the field of katanas. Great. That was a bunch of dead people.

The team went quiet, in shock.

"..okay! So a few. But this time will be different, right Okino?" Lloyd smiled, kind of nervous.

Okino energetically stood back up. "Yes! I swear it!" At least for once, someone wasn't out to kill you, or in a cult based around a blue guy.

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