Her name is Nya -90-

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Crashing into the water, you could hear the others around you, yelling. Holding Jonah's mother with one arm, you pushed to the surface with the other.

Rising above the water, you pulled the woman into the raft, and watched her take deep breaths. "You're all good?"

She nodded, as Jonah hurried over, helping her onto a seat. "Thank you." He mumbled, turning away from you.

Grabbing the rope from all of the rafts, you tied them to the back of your bike, as you began to drive, Wu's voice came into your ear.

"Nya's not going to hold off Wo-Jira for much longer. We need to regroup."

You sighed, pressing the button in your ear. "I have about.. 30 people on rafts behind me, and need to get them evacuated. I'll be there shortly after."

Cutting through a larger alleyway, you got to the building where the police had larger boats to help evacuate.

Helping people onto the rooftop, you smiled at each, assuring them that everything would be okay. It helped them, even if you didn't trust your own words.

Saluting to the Commissioner, you zoomed back through the city, trying to find the Bounty once more.

After seeing a giant serpent blast a ball of energy at a ship, you could tell you found it. Why was it heading straight for a building though? And no one was on the deck.

Just then, you got a tingling feeling, at the side of your vision. The NGTV building. They were there.

"NYAAAA!"  Kalmaar. Shrinking behind the corner of a building, you watched Wo-Jira swim past you, looking for any signs of life. "There's nowhere to hide! This world is no longer yours! It's mine!"

Once she passed, you pushed the pedal back down, and zoomed over to the building. Making sure your bike didn't stick out, you climbed off of it, and onto the roof.

Looking from side to side, you made sure no one was following you, before darting inside. Letting your eyes readjust to the darkness, you began listening to the conversation.

"-signifigant amount of sea-water in his lungs. Unless the water is removed, his condition will worsen."

Stepping into the main room, you watched everyone's focus pan over to you. "Who's condition will worsen?" And then you saw Jay, blacked out on the sofa. "What- what happened?"

Wu shook his head, placing an arm on your back, walking you to the corner of the room. "Wo-jira happened." He mumbled in a hushed voice. "She broke his car, and he wasn't able to escape before the water filled it. We've tried CPR, but it won't work. Nya tried drawing the water out herself, but it won't respond to her. I was hoping-"

"You were hoping I could try." You muttered, looking at your fidgety hands. "I would try, but I'm worried I would end up making it worse. I don't understand how the inside of a body works, and I feel l ike I would make a mistake by messing something up, or taking water out of somewhere wrong or-"

Wu grabbed your hands, holding them. "If you aren't comfortable enough, I understand. We will find another way."

Agreeing, you stumbled to the couch on the other side of the room slumped down onto it, holding your head. The pain of the feeling was almost unbearable, and it hurt to think.

Someone else sat down beside you taking one of your hands, and holding it in their's. "Everything okay? Like- not the whole situation, but everything okay with you?"

Looking up to face Lloyd, you sighed. "I don't know. This headache keeps coming and going, and it's still like before. I'm trying to ignore it and keep fighting.. but maybe I should just stop? Run away and hide?"

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