Of course it had to go wrong -31-

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The lock beeped, as Warden Noble guided both you and Lloyd through the layers upon layers of security. "This is our new, maximum-security wing. We spared no expense I assure you."

You glanced up at the tens of cameras all watching your every movement. Lloyd also looked around, but he seemed more calm, which was debatably true since he was going to see 'dear-old-dad.'

 "Very wise." Lloyd trying to talk like Master Wu caused you to chuckle. He rolled his eyes back at you, before looking back to Noble.

He nodded, "The entire wing was built for one purpose-" He scanned his iris in a machine, the vault-like door twisting and turning with loud clunks before swinging inward. "-to hold the rottenest egg of all."

In a large, hanging, egg-like dome, was stood the figure of Garmadon. The room was entirely black other than a light shining down on the Lloyd's dad.

"Well- good luck! See you on the way out!" Noble ran back out, causing the door to shut. 2 levels of red lasers covered the door. 

You sighed, slightly nudging Lloyd, "Wuss." 

He nodded, walking to a lever before pulling it down. A thin bridge extended all the way to Garmadon's cell. The lack of handrails was only slightly concerning. 

Lloyd walked forward, allowing you to walk behind in a single file line. "You just need to see what he wants, and then leave. It's as simple as that. You're going to do great." You mumbled, not sure if you were speaking to Lloyd or yourself.

The room just extended down into a pitch black void, like that one scene on the death star. Hopefully neither of you fell.

Lloyd glanced down, before calling out to Garmadon, "Hello.. father." 

He was sat on a stool, reading a book with his own face on it. "Well, well, if it isn't the Green Ninja." His eyes flickered to you, "And his accomplice." He threw the book across the cell. "To what do I owe the honor?"

Lloyd's face was nearly pressed up against the glass. He frowned, rolling his eyes, "You called for me, remember? You said it was urgent."

"Did I? Hmm. That doesn't sound like me. I have all the time in the world in here."

He grabbed your shoulder, making a move to leave, "Fine. Then I guess we'll just-" 

Garmadon interrupted him, turning back around, "Oh, yes. I remember now. I did call you. To come alone, though I obviously see you ignored that." You scoffed, he ignored his son more than Lloyd ignored a few words on a piece of paper. "Do you remember the last time we saw each other? What I said?" 

You had to think about it for a minute, but you remembered what he had said atop Borg Tower as you were trying to control your own bleeding. You were still pissed about that.

Lloyd stepped closer to the thick glass, "You said something was coming." 

He rolled his eyes, "Yes. But you didn't listen. And now I'm afraid there is not much time." Garmadon -at least the evil version- worrying about his son? Or was it just himself.

"Time for what?" 

Garmadon pounded on the glass, spooking you. "To prepare for the darkness, destruction. The end of Ninjago as we know it. And- while I'm ok with that, in principle, I'd rather not be destroyed, especially alongside you. So I've decided to help you fight them."

Chuckling you titled your head, "Likely story. Also- fight who?" Lloyd shrugged.

"The Bringers of Doom. You and your color-coded little ninja are no match for them. There's only one thing powerful enough to stop them."

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