When beetles chase -37-

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You blinked awake to face Lloyd, "Hmmm?"

He chuckled, crouching down to your level, "I was asking if you had seen my sword, but it looks like you still need to pack yourself." He planted a kiss of your forehead before standing back up, "Be quick, we're almost ready to leave."

Rolling to your feet, you glanced around, before changing into a different pair of underclothes and slipping on a lighter weight Gi. Why did it have to be a desert? 

Walking out into the courtyard, there was a massive pile of junk standing in the middle. How much had people packed? And why was most of it green? 

Wu seemed pissed over it. "- I never said any of that."

Pixal shrugged, "Master Wu. Perhaps this is a good time to test out the new joint-tatical vehicles?"

Kai seemed interested, "What new-joint-tactica- what did you even just say?" 

Pixal brought you all into the living room again, why would there be new vehicles in the living room? She threw a few Ninja Stars at the dart board, which then flipped up revealing a big red button. When she pressed it, the TV shrunk into the ground, being replaced by an elevator. 

You stood in shock, when did she even add this? The boys had hogged the living room for months. 

Everyone stepped into the elevator while Pixal scanned her hand. You never knew she had a handprint, or even fingerprint. It was kind of awkward. The elevator, random folk music played on the radio, but it wasn't the worst elevator music you had heard. 

"How- how did this even happen?! I didn't notice any construction!" Jay announced, almost accusingly.

Pixal rolled her eyes, "You were playing video games." Made sense.

The elevator stopped, the door sliding down to reveal a large hangar bay. It was inside of a cave, large stalagmites hanging from the ceiling. 

Many vehicles stood, the bounty even managing to fit in the space.  Pixal showed off the land bounty, a new version of the Bounty, but get this: for land.

You glanced around as everyone started claiming vehicles. In the corner, was a purply motorcycle. It looked like an upgraded version of the one you had before. As much as you wanted to take it, motorbikes weren't the best with sand. And you would rather be inside than get sand all over you. 

Somebody grabbed your arm, pulling to into the Land-Bounty before it sped off. You barley managed to find your balance before sitting down in a seat. Lloyd, Nya, Zane, and Jay all seemed to be inside as well, Cole and Kai being outside on their own off-road vehicles. Judging Kai's driving skills, he did not seem to get much better after all. 


You were sat in the back of the Land-Bounty, trying to not look out the window. You were not a fan of the desert after spending so much time in the First Realm. 

Jay seemed to love it though, "I've missed this life. The open road, life on the go adventure around every turn."

Nya rolled her eyes, glancing back to Zane, at least she was a good driver, "Watcha reading Zane?"

"A travel book about the region we are entering. It is called the Desert of Doom. My data-files are incomplete about this subject." He mumbled, not looking up.

Lloyd glanced around, tapping his foot against yours, "Why's it called that?"

Zane skimmed his book again, "According to ancient legend local tribes once worshipper a giant thousand year old beetle named Beohernie. One day -for no apparent reason- Beohernie became displeased with their prayers, and destroyed their village."

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