Friendships will make amends -28-

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"yeah, that's her.." Cole sighed, handing you back your spyglass. 

Wu looked back at the group, "We have to go down and save her."

You pressed your eye to the spyglass as the Ninja continued bickering. In the sand was a hat, and a pale person sitting underneath. How they didn't sunburn on the spot was a question that you would probably never answer.  Faith was buried up to her neck so her escaping herself was out of the question. 

Your view returned to normal when Wu snatched the spyglass out of your hands. You grumbled as he looked to Faith.

Cole shrugged, "Maybe more of his memories came back, one that could help us in this situation."

Kai just sighed, "Is that true? Do you remember more?"

"I can't lie. They haven't come back." Wu put the spyglass down so you grabbed it and secured in on your belt. "But my father told me I have to have Faith. Without her, we would've never gotten this far. Besides, Ninja never leave friends behind." Since when was that a phrase?

Placing his hand on Wu's shoulder, Zane nodded, "Then we have your back."

The 6 of you slipped down the rocky slope, and stalked towards the hunter buried in the ground.  "They must've left her here for the Elements to finish her off-"

"I don't think so." You interrupted, "I have a bad feeling, be careful. It might be a trap."

Wu lifted up the hat, and under was Faith in a muffle. They were practically suffocating her. 

She coughed out a shit load of sand before gasping for air, "You should not have come. It's a trap!" 

You looked around for the trap as masses of Dragon Hunters started flying out of the sand and surrounding you. 

Jay sighed, "And of course it's a trap. Why don't we ever listen to Y/n."


It had been hours since you were tied up on a messily made teepee, your stomach was grumbling and your throat was being saved by the little water you could conjure. 

"I'm sorry," Wu said from next to you, "I thought I was doing the right thing. But I've only made it worse."

Faith scoffed, "Your heart is pure, but this realm is cruel. I am just sorry you ever had to find this place, and I'm sorry your friend had been stuck here so long. "

From the other teepee, Kai started calling out to the rest of the group. "Don't sweat it Little Wu. We've seen worse. Any moment, Zane will have cut through these binds, and we'll be out of here."

You couldn't see Zane, but you made out his voice saying that he couldn't do what Kai had said. 

"But Zane, I'm the good looks of the team. You're the brains."

Jay gasped, "I thought I was the looks!"

Cole chuckled, "No, you're the annoying one."

He rolled his eyes, "What are you then? The party pooper?" 

Kai laughed, "That's Mr. Party Pooper to you."

"Har, Har, Hair Gel." 

You pursed your lips, "Hey Zane? Can't Pixal figure a way out of this? Cuz she's in your head can't she evaluate the situation or something?"

The laughter died down. "It's been 2 years Y/n, Pixal has her own body again, a lot has chang-" someone began saying.

"I GET IT!" You yelled, "It's been so long and I have been stuck here this whole time and so much has changed! You don't need to keep fucking reminding me of how much I've missed, I get it! You all moved on!" Your eyes were damp, when was the last time you had cried? The First Realm didn't have much space for emotions.

Iron Baron stomped up to the teepees, "What is Purple Ninja yelling at, mad at friends? Why are you all laughing at as well? What is funny?"

Faith grumbled, "What is funny is you feeding them this food, to cover the taste of your lies."

Baron just laughed, "Well I'd rather be eating food with them than stuck on a pole with you!" This weirdly reminded you of those "ultimate rap battles" you would watch when you were younger.

"He only cares for himself. If he gets the armor, he'll have no need for you. Except to Kiss. His. Hand." 

The Hunters all gasped, looking around. 

Iron Baron laughed again, "Let me ask them, Heavy Metal." This guy was insufferable, "How can you believe anything she says, when she hid behind a mask?!" You shut your eyes to try and jumble around his body parts, but he was too far away to make it work. You really wanted him to hurt though.

"It's he who is the fraud! He forced me to wear the helmet, just as he forced you to be his slaves. We've all heard Baron's stories about how he fought an army of Oni. Well, look around! We are on Oni land and yet had anyone seen. Single one?" The crowd started mumbling, Faith was good at arguments, good to note. 

"No. You have not. Because his stories are just that, stories. The Oni left these lands long ago, yet he keeps you in fear of them. His power over you is built on lies! Brave Hunter's died so that he could get the Dragon Blade. How do we know it was not him who took their lives?"

Baron then threatened the Hunters saying to not speak. He then powered on both of the teepees and you could feel a small current pulsing through your skin. 

You could sense your outer cells slowly being pulled apart by the current as it trickled your body. Wu seemed to have a realization, but before you could do anything or say anything-

You passed out.


A/n: I honestly realize this is a shorter chapter but I have a bunch of midyear finals coming up so I should be studying anyways (random thing but I just realized I got text to speech so that's cool)


I DONT SUPPORT ANY OF THE "CEST" SHIPS (smithcest, garmacest, juliencest) OR ANY UNDERAGE SHIPS!!! IF U DO PLEASE DONT READ MY STORY ITS ICKY AND DISGUSTING /srs (someone added my story to a list and I noticed these on their profile so please just don't)

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