Pyramid of the Sorceress -39-

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Zane sighed. "Your assistance would be very helpful."

Clutch Powers (that homeless looking explorer) folded his magazine, sitting up, "Nope. No way. Nein danke."

"But nobody knows what's inside!" Lloyd began, "There could be valuable historical relics. Treasure!" 

He just sat there slurping his very alcoholic smelling smoothie. 

Glancing over to the group, Zane shrugged before continuing, "You are the foremost expert on ancient structures, and your book, Booby traps and How to Survive Them, is considered a seminal work."

"Flattering. But still no." 

You groaned, causing the group to look back at you, "We did not just survive over a day in the desert, being hunted by beetles, in the SAND! To get turned down by a bloke of an explorer who's too scared to face a single geometric shape."

Clutch chuckled, before standing up and sauntering over to you, "Well, who are you? You're quite a first one aren't you?" 

Backing up slightly, Lloyd grabbed your arm, pulling you over to him, "Someone who's not interested." This guy was a creep. Lloyd leaned down to your ear in a whisper, "Don't let him get on your nerve, we might need him."

Nya frowned, "Clut- Professor, isn't there anything we can do to convince you?"

She got shoved to the side by a kid who looked no more than 14 years old. "Professor Powers, sir. You have a call from-"

"Now Dwayne, I told you, I don't want to be distributed." 

"But sir, it's from the Explorer's Club!" The kid made Clutch throw his glass to reach for his phone. Seemed like this club was a big deal. 

He started talking on the phone, ignoring the whole crowd around him. You looked up to Lloyd, trying to tell him that this guy was making you uncomfortable. But it seemed by his glare at the man, he already understood that. 

Clutch started stomping like a little kid, before tossing his phone on the floor of the tent, "Well, guys, looks like you're in luck. Clutch Powers is open for business." He grabbed s trunk out from under his cot and grabbed flashlights, shining them in your face, before running out of the tent and to the pyramid without another word. 

You sighed, "This'll be a long quest."

Walking to the pyramid (with your eyes either buried in your arm, or just squeezed shut), you held onto Lloyd's arm as you felt the sand squish down underneath  your boots. You scrunched your nose, waiting for the group to stop.

When a loud stone object creaked in front of you, you peered an eye open, seeing that you were stood in front of the pyramid. 

Clutch ran inside, before stopping and shining his flashlight on the group, "Now. Before we take another step, I hope each and every one if you had read my book. It could save your life."

Kai nervously chuckled, "Yeah, haha, loved..that book."

The group continued onward, the light slowly fading from behind you. The walls were lined with a black stone and gold accents. A wooden rope bridge sat in front of the group, causing Clutch to stop once more. "Chapter 8. Rickety old bridges. Only one way to cross them. Fast, and first." He then ran across the bridge, creaks making their appearance under each footstep, "Last person in line usually doesn't make it."

The Ninja took that as a challenge to make it across first, leaving you on the other side of the bridge, "Guess I don't make it.." you shrugged turning around, "I'll just head back to the Land-Bounty-" The door in front of you shut, blocking the way out. 

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