The Truce -73-

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Cole was in the water, swimming, a giant spider seemed to be chasing him, or maybe just following him.

The spider hit a boulder, and it fell onto Wu's cape. He got trapped, air escaping in a gasp.

The tunnel seemed too tight, and the water didn't end for a while. Cole swam back to Master Wu, grabbing him, as more and more bubbles escaped his lungs.

They shot out of the water, gasping.

Princess Vania, Wu, and Cole, seemed like they had found a group of friends. And Cole had found the DnD party you had been talking about.


You shot up and out of your chair. Where were you? Right, you fell asleep during all the Geckles fighting about a truce meeting with the Munce.. and had a vision, when was the last time you had one of those?

"This meeting is a trap! A treacherous Munce ambush!"

"Hear! Hear!"

"I propose we ambush them!"

And then they all started throwing moss milk. Ew.

Kai slouched forward in his fancy chair beside you, and seemed exhausted, you all were. "Order... Order in the court.."

Shrugging, Zane put a hand on Kai's shoulder. "I do not believe they are listening."

With a groan, Kai shot a burst of flames into the middle of the room, causing the Geckles to shut up. "Thank you! Now, I propose that we trust the new Munce Queen, whoever she is, and go to the truce meeting."

New Munce Queen? You were getting Deja Vu to Kai becoming Chancellor. (Granted, you got Deja Vu a lot with the visions, but this seemed different.)

Zane threw a pebble to Kai's head, putting his hand up in the air. "Hear, hear!" He looked so silly, in a positive way of course. Kai glared at him. "I am merely attempting to follow Geckles Parliamentary procedures..."

"What if you're wrong?" A Geckle shouted.

You scoffed, "Then we're wrong?"

The Geckle frowned, glaring at you, "I am not trusting judgement of no gur-rel. We reproduce through asexual means. All our children grow in milk moss cocoons."

Disgusted now, you climbed off of the Chancellor's podium and did a quick puke on the ground. This place was so terrible and so uncomfortable!

"We could settle the matter... By slug..." Gulch announced, smirking.

Kai knotted his brows, "How do you settle that with slugs?"


Now that it was all set up, it was like that board game where you raced snails. Though, maybe you just made that game up.

"On your marks, get set... sloowwww!"


The two slugs were racing slower than you thought slugs even went.

Zane glanced at both you and Kai, confused. "What is the point of this?"

Running over, Gulch looked excited. "It's simple. If the gray slug wins, you're right and the Munce can be trusted. If the brown slug wins, you're wrong, and the Munce cannot be trusted. Only the slugs know."

This was a terrible judicial system.

And so slugs continued racing. Maybe someone could make a portal to the First Realm, maybe spending another 2 years there would be better than watching slugs race in a place that smells like spoiled milk.

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