Sour thoughts exposed -33-

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"We should be approaching it now" Zane stated before going back to the radar map. 

Everyone looked around, for where the distress call could've come from. You hadn't told anyone about your vision dream and you honestly weren't sure why. Maybe it was because you were worried about them, or maybe because you were scared to admit your visions could be prevented by the Oni.

Cole walked to the front of the bridge, "I don't see it-"

"There!" Kai yelled pointing to an exposed building. It had a satellite dish on the top and metal plates covering every corner.

Nya mumbled, "That's the Ninjago News Center..I guess they didn't evacuate in time..." She nudged Kai away, making sure she had enough room to steer, "I'll bring us in over the rooftop. You guys get 'em outta there before the clouds swallow the entire building."

Jay pulled on your arm, leading both you and Cole to the side of the lower deck Iin preparation to get everyone onto the ship. 

As the Bounty swooped down to the building, Cole and Jay slid down the ladders as you stayed at the top. NGTV crew started piling onto the roof, climbing onto the ladders single file. As they reached the top, you and now Zane, helped pull them up so they didn't accidentally fall off. 

The tendrils started to emerge at the edge of the roof, quickly closing in. Gayle Gossip was the last on before Jay and Cole climbed on after them. "OKAY NYA! GET US OUT OF HERE!" Jay yelled up to the deck. You signaled a thumbs up to her and she got the memo.

The ship lurched backwards, sending the engine flame into Cole's area. The ladder shook, causing him to fall off, though he thankfully managed to catch himself on the list rung. One of the ropes snapped.

His foot got caught as he started smacking into various utilities on the top of the building. "Hang on! I think I can-"

And then the rope broke. 

And the ship took off. 

You glanced back, almost frozen in shock, seeing everyone comforting Kai. This confirmed it for you at least, that Kai and Cole had something going on. Not that it was exactly the right time. 

You were stuck with what to do. Cole was gone, probably turned to stone. 

"Pixal?! We'll be right there! Estimated 2 minutes!" Nya called out, supposedly to Pixal, Lloyd and Garmadon.

A red dot appeared on the radar, the Samurai X mech. 

Zane pointed to the dot, "Pixal is running on fumes. Unless we hurry, we will not reach her in time."

Nya grabbed hold of the wheel, making sure the Bounty stayed on course, "Oh yes we will. I'm not losing anyone else today." She shot the engines on max, causing you to go flying to the back of the bridge, hitting into the wall. 

You pulled yourself up, climbing back to Nya, trying to not be pushed back again. You looked around for them, before spotting the trio slightly above, ahead of you. "There!" You yelled to her. She nodded, pushing the ship to make it. 

The mech crashed into the deck, the ship shaking. Garmadon and Lloyd fell to the floor as Pixal was stuck in the mech. 

The ship slowed as everyone began running down to the group. Zane and Jay went to Pixal, while the rest of you went to Lloyd. "Are you okay?" You mumbled to him, as Kai helped him up to his feet. 

"Yeah- yeah, I think so." He glanced at you with that 'we-need-to-talk' look, causing you to get anxious.

Garmadon stood up, brushing off his armor. "So am I. Nobody had to worry about me."

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