Between Era Note

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Hi! :D it's the end of the WilFilm era and now we're stepping into WildBrain seasons and I thought it was about time to share some of my thoughts some people may have or may not have noticed about the story.

1. Y/N's backstory mimics Harumi's

So I mostly made it up on the spot, but when making a traumatic backstory for a character parental death is always a go to. I realized I could use Y/n to show how Harumi could've been different and instead of taking it out on others, she could've lived with it and learned to deal. Y/n and Harumi both lost their parents from the Great Devourer, both of Harumi's dying then, while only Y/N's father passed from the snake. Y/N's mother basically "died" from Y/N's life because of the great Devourer and I really liked the story.

2. I understand Y/N's powers are slightly OP (overpowered) 

I get having total control of atoms is a really big stretch, basically having control over all matter makes her seem kind of like a Mary Sue. Y/N's father was the Elemental Master of Atoms and Prophecy. Although he didn't start out with the prophecy powers like Y/n, he quickly developed them into something useful. Nobody is sure how he got the prophecy powers or transfered them to Y/n but I may dive deeper into that in a later season. The atoms aren't full respondent and some (especially radioactive and complex molecules) barely respond at all. Y/n constantly gets headaches and to combat really strong powers I made her somewhat weaker when it comes to fighting and being hurt.

3. Lloyd is Master of Energy

He doesn't really have an official title and although Jay is the Master of Lightning which is energy, Lloyd is the Master of chemical energy (the bonds between atoms). Chen (or someone else, I'm not sure) calls Lloyd the Master of Energy and I think it just stuck with me, especially with relating to atoms which I think makes Y/n and Lloyd have an even stronger connection (hah, get it, connection?) 

4. There's a lot of spelling mistakes

I honestly do not have enough time on my hands. I am in school, have a part time job, and a weekly internship. I don't have enough time to write the story, read it over, fix everything small typo and so on, without messing up my schedule already. I am so fortunate and happy so many people read my story and enjoy it so I am so so so thankful you can put up with spelling mistakes

5. Lava

Am I a Lava shipper? Ofc?? As one comment said "these bitches gay, good for them." And yes. Those bitches are gay and yes I'm making it fanon in my story got a problem with it? Don't read my story!

6. Lot more cute moments to come

Now that Y/n and Lloyd are officially dating I have PACKED Forgotten Spinjitzu with lots of very cute moments and other shit that I hope makes you kick your feet and blush (jkjk..or not? 👀) 

7. Future seasons

I plan to write as many seasons as there is and as many that come out. I already have plans for some dialogue just based on the new trailers for Ninjago 2023 alone. I actually have a small list of quotes and shit for new seasons

Here's one I didn't include but still think it's funny

Here's one I didn't include but still think it's funny

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8. Garmadon sees Y/n as a "daughter" and she sees him as a father figure

Ofc Garmadon doesn't actually see her as a daughter the same way as he did with Harumi (one of the many faults in Llorumi), but in the Tournament of Elements especially, Y/n mentions how she caves in because of the need of a father figure and Garmadon is willing to be that for her as well. The Garmadon in both the end of Hunted and in March of the Oni does have a small soft spot for Y/n. He pauses before attacking her, and  his face "softens" when he sees her enter the cabin room after bullying Lloyd.

9. Lloyd is a golden retriever and Y/n is a black cat

Lloyd often sees the best in people time and time again even after all he's been through. He's pretty extroverted and enjoys talking and being with people in large groups.(and he has blond hair) Y/n on the other hand, while she's not entirely pessimistic, she does find it hard to be positive in situations where there is no positive. (On the moon, in Chen's warehouse, in the First Realm) and she is good at surviving, she stayed positive for so long in the First Realm, but after so long anyone would loose hope. 

10. Timeline

So this part is fun (I write sarcastically) 

Lloyd was 10 or 9 or however old before the Tomorrow's Tea which turned him 13 almost 14. At the same time Y/n was 13.

Both turned 14 by the time the Great Devourer killed Y/n's dad. Her mother later left her, leaving her to fend for herself (No laws helping kids lmao, poor Lloyd)

Lloyd is 15 when he defeats the Overlord for the first time (stone warrior 9ne)

A year passed with really no trouble which led to the other Ninja forming a school.  

A few months pass and that was about when the story starts at the field trip in Rebooted.

Few months pass between Zane's death and Lloyd's birthday.

A week passes from getting Lloyd's cake and the first episode of Tournament of Elements. (His birthday is somewhere in the middle)

The Tournament of Elements is about a week, maybe longer.

Y/n gets trapped in the First Realm and has her 17th birthday.

2 years pass which holds the events of Season 5 (possession), Season 6 (Skybound)[though most is erased so I imagine if it had not been 3 years would've passed...somehow..] Season 7 (Hands of Time) and Season 8 (Sons of Garmadon)

The main 4 Ninja arrive to the First Realm with Wu, their ages corresponding with the ages at the end of the chapter

They get back, only a week or so passing from when they got there to when they left. Jay's birthday is somewhere there, he turns 21

A week or so passes, before the Ninja get the Bounty back, and the Oni arrive.

It takes only a few days to get the Oni to leave, but it was still one of the worst battles the Ninja dealt with.

A few days pass until the mural part.

4 months pass before Forgotten Spinjitzu 

Ok silly time over time to finish writing the ice chapter (next chapter will be released this Saturday ALSO OWL HOUSE FINALE???)

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