Mazes Suck -61-

622 25 48

Very fucking hard.

You had been walking for what seemed like hours, and only now had made it to the first interesting thing. Statues.

Walking over to one, you analyzed the statues. They were the same ones at Dyer Island. Only these were lower poly and looked plasticy.

"Right. The statues that shot lasers at us-" of course, as Cole was saying that, they started shooting the lasers.

Everyone summoned their weapons, sprinting across the room.

You shot a statue, it blowing up soon after. A few others had been hit by the other Ninja.

Finally, Jay got the last one, and the room went quiet again.

"Why can't we just have a ****ing stroll in the park or something?" You asked, gazing around at the humongously large walls.

They reminded you of the descriptions of the walls in Maze Runner. If you ever got to reading the book out of being required for school.

"You must always be aware of your surroundings."

Lloyd stepped forward, to be blocked by Okino. Okino pressed his sword to the ground, a stone releasing a soft 'click' noise.

Large, jagged rocks started emerging from the ground, one where Lloyd was just about to stand. Good your boyfriend didn't get fucking impaled.

You elbowed Lloyd, rolling your eyes. "Nice job being 'aware'."

He looked to you, a small frown dawning his face. "I was busy making sure you were being careful. I wouldn't know what to do without you there beside me."

Pausing, you slowly looked up to him, before leaning your face into his shoulder. "You have to stop flirting in front of everyone."

Lloyd gaped his mouth open, "I was flirting?!"

Kai lightly nudged you, annoyed. "If you guys are done being cringey, we have to worry about these pressure pads."

"And it looks like there's more." Cole looked around, seeing even more pressure pads. Okino lifted his sword, letting the rocks sink back into the ground.

Everyone started tiptoeing around the pressure pads, trying to not get impaled.

Jay, bounced off the wall, off your head, and onto the other side. You already had a headache from all these pixels, you didn't need more brain damage. He nervously laughed after seeing your unamusement.

You made it to the other side, the ball of your foot now hurting, and you narrowly avoided your sole cramping up.

"Which way now?" Jay asked. One way was a long path. And the other? Another long path!

Kai sighed, "Do you know Okino? Left or Right?"

The world felt like it had lagged, and Okino was now in a different spot, kneeling on the floor.

"You okay?" Lloyd asked, helping him up.

He frowned. "I- I am okay." Lying bastard. You didn't even need your prophecy powers (although you did somehow have them here?) to tell that he was lying.

"So which way? Left or right?" Cole asked again.

He looked to both sides, before pointing left.

The team started sprinting again, still having horrible skill points.

Okino ran ahead, feeling more confident now. "As we bear the heart of the maze, the danger will grow."

Lloyd nodded. "We trust you Okino-"

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