Why didn't he just fight? -65-

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Lloyd waved his hand, motioning for everyone to move out.

The 4 of you began to sneak around the Visor filled streets when a screen displayed Cole and Kai's deaths.

You could feel the discontent between the team. "They wouldn't want us to give up now. We have to keep going and get the last Keytana."

Jay sadly nodded, "We're gonna find a way to bring them back. To bring everyone who's been cubed back."

"What's next?" Lloyd asked, scratching his jaw. He seemed to be affected badly by this, you all had, but he had definitely gone through some of the most loss.

Knitting his brows, Jay pursed his lips. "Terra Domina. That's where the last Keytana is."

It didn't take long to get to the portal, it was actually just down the street, but it looked a little-

"-Intense." Lloyd had the exact thought. The Cabinet had a bunch of flames and no real show as to what Terra Domina was. "We must be getting close to the end of the game."

Pressing the button, the cabinet popped open, the white light blinding you once more. "Well, see you on the other side." Nya groaned, she stepped through, fading away.


"Holy- Holy cow! Unagami's Temple of Madness." Jay yelled, looking around.

You were stood inside a weird vortex that almost reminded you of your own Spinjitzu tornado.

Nya scoffed, "I'd go mad too if I lived in a place like this."

Walking towards the gilded temple, you peered above to see the Keytana sticking out of a rock. What would this challenge be?

Pushing through the doors, you came to a void filled with misshapen cubes and other objects, just floating there.

"We should head back. Scope out the dangers and come back with a plan." Yeah, you liked Lloyd's idea.

Something cracked, before you could feel atoms again for a split second, but they felt closer now. "Did you feel that?"

The rest of the team shook their heads. Jay leaned forward, confused. "Did you get your powers back?" Shaking your head, you glanced at your palms, what had just happened?

It happened again, and then the platform which held the Temple of Madness, and the portal home just glitched out of existence. A red logo popped up, showing the same icon that was on the back of the motherboard. Oh shit.

Suddenly, upbeat music started playing as the platform slowly fizzed out of existence as well. It felt like you were being pushed by something to keep moving.

"Where's that music coming from?" Lloyd yelped, hopping onto the next platform.

Jay frowned, "Oh no. I was afraid of this. We've entered the world of old-school platform games!" Were they really that old? You played Normal Nario Siblings just a few months ago. Or maybe years?

Nya blinked, hopping down the next platform, you followed alongside them. "And those games force you to run towards chaos?"

He shrugged, "Well technically side-scroll towards chaos, but yeah. There's rules to these kinds of games. 1. You can't go backwards." Jay hopped onto the next platform, "2. Everything speeds up the further you go." Seemed pretty slow for now. He ran to the edge of the platform, catching Nya before she fell off. "3. All the obstacles are pre-programmed. So, if you learn the timing, you can evade the danger."

The whole team leapt over the the small lava monster. The timing was pretty easy. It did feel like the platforms were speeding up though.

"Most important thing to know is, if you die we have to start over at the beginning."

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