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"GUYS, I SEE SOMETHING! I SEE SOMETHING!!" You could just make out Jay's screams over the blowing wind. Your throat was starting to go hoarse with how much yelling you had done. Also when was the last time you had water. You never really drank water on any mission.

Nya tried to look at the boat, but her neck was in an awkward position to do so. "CAN YOU DESCRIBE IT?"

You only now noticed Zane, who had a decently large dent in his head, was having a hard time scanning things. "Can you define something?"

Everyone started complaining as you noticed Kai falling off his stake, smoke rising from the remains of the ropes. "Guys I made it out!"

Somehow, Nya managed to kick his arm, causing him to yelp, "Don't be so loud!"

He began untying everyone, and eventually everyone made it onto the ground... Except for Clutch, maybe he would just not get out?

The leader Keeper started announcing something before pausing, staring at the escaped team. "Stop them!"

Everyone began fighting, but as soon as you got some good punches in, you heard Cole yelling to get to the end of the dock. Doing so, it seemed like the team was just going to run into the water.

Nobody here could walk on water (unless somehow Lloyd had magic god powers or some shit, you could never be too sure), but you could walk on ice.

Zane froze over the top, running into the fog. His only direction was going straight.

"There's definitely something out here!" Jay yelled through the clouds, "Something big, and snakes, and growly-"

The ice shot it's way up to Jay, but instead of just going right beside him, Zane left about a yard in-between. He began reaching for Jay with Kai's help, but a red light appeared out of the fog. Fuck.

You quickly pulled both Kai and Zane back, as the ball of fire struck the water, causing the boat and ice platform to be shoved away from each other.

Slipping on the ice, you quickly interlaced your sleeve with the ice, keeping you from sliding into the water. Pressing your fingertips on the ice, you picked your sleeve out of the frozen atoms now that you weren't sliding.

Nya shot a ball of water at the dragon, but it either missed the enormous creature, or it just didn't give a fuck.

Jay struggled in his throne, trying to get out before he was a Wo-Jira snack. "Get me outta here before it comes back!"

Lloyd nodded to Zane, who froze a small patch allowing him to leap over to Jay's raft. He began untying Jay when he started yelling at Lloyd to hurry. He groaned, "Just stay still!"

Another fire all launched, directly at Jay's little boat.

With little hesitance, Lloyd dove into the water, pushing Jay's raft out of the way.

"I'm okay! Just a little shaken, think with a few more-" Jay suddenly got cut off when a claw shot out, dragging him back. He was screaming and yelling, but then it went silent.

Only a growl of warning came over the waters.

Kai panicked, grabbing Zane's arm. "It ate Jay. It really are him!"

A wooden tooth bobbed up beside Lloyd. He paused, leaning on it to take a breather, "Or did it?"


You groaned, jumping off of the mostly melted ice-raft, and onto the beach. With a sigh, you turned to the island to be met with a purple spear being pointed at your neck. Wu, Misako, Clutch's intern were all unjustly tied up behind them. And Clutch was there too. Great!

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