Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 Touch

    ◎"I don't know how to kiss." ◎

    The rain in the hot weather is like the face of God, which changes as soon as it is said.

    Before Ming Xiangfan drove to the destination, the raindrops hanging on the glass had gradually decreased.

    I don't know when I touched the tablet in the car by mistake. When the car was driving smoothly on the elevated shelf, the voice of the radio station's emotional special column suddenly became louder.

    The carriage was instantly filled with the choked-up voice of the contributor.

    "I...Actually, I don't know what kind of feelings I have for him. I am very contradictory now. Sometimes when I think of him at work, I am lost in thought. It's like being taken away by someone." The voice of the contributor is soft and transparent

    . Through the telephone transmission, people feel more compassionate.

    The host took over the conversation and coughed lightly: "According to the usual practice, I would take the liberty to ask the contributor's second gender."

    The girl sniffled and replied on the other end of the phone: "I am Alpha."

    The host continued to ask: "Is the person you like an Omega?"

    The girl shook her head, and after a moment of silence, she seemed to realize that the host couldn't see her, and said in a stern voice, "No. He's also an Alpha. This is what I've been struggling with..." Ming

    Xiang Van stepped on the brakes slowly.

    The red light ahead was always on, and several ambulances passed by whistling in my ears. The street was blocked into a winding Great Wall, and the wet ground refracted the dim light, like blue water in a pool, colorful and colorful, with the wind blowing, it swayed into her eyes.

    The two hosts comforted the little girl who contributed the manuscript, and then opened up the topic: "We all know that with the wide coverage of today's knowledge and the Internet, people have different perceptions of the first gender and the second gender. Early Over the past few years, everyone has been looking for a partner according to the second gender step by step. As time goes by, more and more people choose to ignore the first or second gender and follow their own inner thoughts. Let’s talk about heartbeat today. Everyone perceives their own heart At the moment of irregular beating, what does the person standing in front of you look like? Regardless of gender or age, can the insignificant waves at that moment generate huge waves in your heart? Maybe you already have the answer at this moment. Or maybe even more confused, would you like to share your story with us? In this turbulent century, in this rainy night, can you tell a plain but true story with the TA in your memory? Looking forward to you The incoming call from..."

    has nothing to do with gender or age.

    It was the seven strings of beads that inadvertently flashed into her eyes; it was the movie king in Xiaowo Town who was so decadent that he was about to die; The creek that is crossed; it is also the several steps of wild cats hiding in the uninhabited corner of the village; it is also the misplaced love that cannot be spoken until death in "The Back".

    Ming Xiangfan pinched his eyebrows for a few seconds.

    A red mark appeared for a moment.

    The scratches on the fingertips are still there.

    The traffic began to loosen, Ming Xiangfan rushed to the dinner venue, only the waiters were left cleaning up the embers after the grand fireworks.

The actor is actually a milk-flavored Omega [Female A Male O]Where stories live. Discover now