Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Escape

    ◎Quan Dang is dew today... ◎

    Half an hour later, Ming Xiangfan went downstairs and bought toiletries nearby. ——The items in the hotel seemed to be clean, but she still couldn't get past the hurdle in her heart.

    The boss was missing, and there was only a young boy sitting on a chair at the front desk playing games.

    Ming Xiangfan first charged his phone, browsed through the news, and dealt with a few important things first.

    The instructor called at this time and asked where she was. She told the truth that she was placed on the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, and her supervisor called to ask her to revise the format of her thesis.

    "Didn't it be finalized and printed before?" The group's papers should have been printed and distributed to the teachers of the defense group.

    The instructor said a few more sticky words: "Change it as soon as possible."

    Before Ming Xiangfan could ask in detail, the phone was hung up.


    The instructor asked her to correct it before eight o'clock tonight. Ming Xiangfan complained endlessly. Busy calling friends in the group.

    -Didn't we set the paper format uniformly? Why do you want to change it all of a sudden?

    -My roommates and the others are also defending the day after tomorrow, and the instructor just sent a message saying that they will change it.

    - Where should I change it?

    - I don't know, just talking about changing, the phone hangs up so fast.

    Ming Xiangfan was sitting in the small hall of the hotel.

    The town is quiet and there are not many people coming and going. The hotel even set up a small rest area. Ming Xiangfan was too lazy to go upstairs, so he sat on the sofa with his mobile phone in his hand and answered messages.

    The proprietress's name was Rong Zhen. When she came back from a trip, she saw Ming Xiangfan moaning on the sofa.

    "Why, what's the matter?" Rong Zhen looked at her expression, took a glass of water and put it in front of her.

    Ming Xiangfan saw that she was good at chatting, so he didn't hide it: "The tutor sent a message suddenly, asking us to revise the thesis."

    "Graduate this year?" Rong Zhen asked.


    Ming Xiangfan chatted with her and found out that Rong Zhen also graduated from Qinghe University before, and also studied new media, she is her direct senior sister. After getting to know each other well, Rong Zhen asked about the revision rules, and after comparing the two parties, she realized that time flies and all the expressions are in the past tense.

    Although Ming Xiangfan also has WPS on his mobile phone, the fonts are not as complete as those on his computer, and the layout is not clear enough to see the whole picture.

    She asked sister Rongzhen if there was an Internet cafe nearby, Rongzhen shook her head, but said she could use the computer at the front desk.

    The computer at the front desk is an old model, desktop, and there is a big guy behind the screen. Normally, registration of resident information can still run normally and smoothly. Once it encounters loading papers and downloading new fonts, the computer is unresponsive at first, and then directly freezes and black screen.

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