Chapter 87 - Sincerity

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- How are you, Annie?

- I bought a new book. I read it over the weekend, it was a good book.

- When I talked about a new experience, I meant that you need to try to get out of your comfort zone, try something new.

- I don't even know where to start.

- The capital has a lot to offer. Spend time alone - go for a walk, go to some events, meet new people. As a starting point, you can try something that our friends are doing. For example, Historia loves to cross-stitch, Sasha loves to bake, just to bake, not to cook. Mikasa enjoys gardening - she reads a lot about botany and she has her own garden in Shiganshina and she visits the botanical garden here. Hitch loves to connect with new people, she likes to get to know new people.

- I don't know if I'll like any of this...

- Whether you'll like it or not, you won't know until you try it.

- What do you do in your free time?

- You know, I do research. At work, my tasks are limited in one way or another, I don't have time for any research that would interest me exclusively. I have an office at home, I work there, I study something. Also, I like to cook something interesting, combining this interest with the needs. I read a lot, different books, walk around the city, spend time with friends.

- You always love to read...

- Yes, books were once my only friends, but... people are like books - they can also tell you a lot, each person carries so many interesting things, because each person is unique and beautiful in his own way.

- You see the good in everyone... how so?

- Although it may seem so, but... in fact, no one can be called good or bad, because you can't please everyone. For all people these categories mean completely different things. I'm by nature a very categorical person, but... I still try not to judge other people based on this rule.

- So, I'll try something else then...

- You know, on Sunday, the guys are going to go to a bar, go with them, relax, maybe it'll do you good.

- Yes, I know. In the evening, some leave for the cadet corps. Graduation will be this Saturday. And on Sunday everyone wanted to celebrate.

- You're not going with them?

- I'm going to the southern cadet corps.

- Mm... same walls... I haven't been there for a long time...

Y/N and Annie talked for about an hour, then Annie left to get ready for the road. It was Friday evening.

Y/N has collected the paperwork she needs to do some work at home over the weekend. She understood that she wouldn't see Armin on the weekend, which made her a little sad, but she understood that such was their life, such was their relationship. Someday they'll have stability, but not now. Right now, a lot of things in their lives were very unstable, and that was normal - after all, this is just life.

- Oh, are you going home already, Y/N?

Hitch turned to her, still fiddling with papers on her desk.

- Yes, I took the necessary documents home, I can read the reports lying in bed. I'm surprised you're still there, it's already six. You usually leave at five.

- Today you didn't leave letters, and... I thought that it was somehow wrong to leave before my boss.

- Wow, these are thoughts. You have really grown in my eyes.

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