Chapter 30 - The day, when one life ended

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Y/N was among those who first climbed the wall. She looked at the ruined city, realizing what had happened here five years ago. She perfectly remembered the day when the news about the fall of the wall was brought to the Capital. And how scared she was. But now she realized that her fear was worth nothing compared to what the inhabitants of this abandoned city experienced. Those who survived.

According to the plan of the commander, Eren had to close up the outer and inner gates, thereby isolating the city from the titans, which allowed the Survey corps to carry out a sweep, but... The city was empty. Not a single titan. Nobody.

- Eren, let's go according to plan. Are you ready?

- Yes, Captain Levi.

Y/N stopped her thoughts and glanced at Eren, who, along with his friends, were looking at the city that was once their home. Y/N was supposed to help him. She walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder, looking into the boy's eyes. He was taller than her, so she had to look up a little.

- Eren, do you remember what we talked about in our training? I understand that right now it's hard for you, like Mikasa and Armin, to see the city that was once your home, but you need to pull yourself together. Do you remember what we practiced?

Mikasa and Armin watched as Y/N adjusted Eren the way a watchmaker adjusts a clock. She knew exactly what to say, how to look. She didn't pressure him, as many senior officers did.

- Concentration on the goal. Turn off emotions, focus on the goal.

- Right. What is our goal?

- Close the breaches in the walls, clear the city, get to the basement.

- Right. If you feel like you're losing control...

- Stop and breathe. Remember the goal.

Eren was grateful to her for helping him deal with his emotions. He resolutely moved to the edge of the wall and disappeared behind it. Flash. Lightning.

- You did a good job with him.

Y/N ignored him. It wasn't about their mission, so she didn't want to talk to him. She still remembered their conversation. She went to Commander Erwin, who was handing out assignments to the officers and their teams.

- It's necessary to inspect the city, and the lands around the breaches. Look for any signs of the presence of other people or titans. The enemy must be somewhere nearby, and we must be ready to fight.

- Yes, Commander Erwin!

The commander was left alone. He studied the city, although Y/N knew that planning and calculations were going on in his head.

- Commander?

- Y/N? What did you want?

- I hope you don't dismiss me now.

- It seems to be late, don't you think?

- Shall I go to the recruits? Or will I head for the city with Levi's and Hange's squad as planned?

- No, you stay here. With me. In the course of events, if anything, join Levi's squad.

- Do you want to send me to the thick of things?

- You mustn't let me down, I know.

But in fact, Erwin thought that Y/N would be the safest place near Eren. He realized that Eren had a habit of protecting his loved ones, and Y/N was clearly no stranger to the boy.

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