Chapter 51 - Destroying the built

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Levi woke up. He felt much better than yesterday. Whatever Y/N gave him yesterday helped him. His whole body still hurt, but he didn't want to pass out from this pain and not wake up. The wounds on his face stopped pinching and hurting at all. He opened the only working eye - everyone around was preparing for the road, only Y/N was still sleeping peacefully nearby. He was about to wake her up, but Hange stopped him.

- «Let her sleep, we'll handle with preparations without her», Hange told him, «she's been through a lot of upheaval in the last couple of days, and who knows what's to come. How are you? I hope you're better, we could use your help»

- I think I'm better, but don't rush things... Wouldn't it be better to leave me here, and not drag me with you to God knows where?

- I don't think she'll leave you here alone, and I need her. She sincerely worries about you, for both of us, for her friends... I don't want to put her in front of this choice. No matter how it ends, she can help us resolve everything. I... I didn't listen to her, relying on communication, but... somehow I forgot that she fascinated me when she was only eleven, and now...

- Now the Jaegerists are occupying Paradis, and we... want to leave the island. What will happen... when we return... and... if we return?

- This is our home, we... must return. Not all people will agree with what Eren does.

Y/N chuckled softly and slowly opened her eyes.

- You can just whisper right into my ear...

Hange smiled sweetly at the girl and Levi lay back down.


They equipped themselves with two wagons and headed for the port. Pieck — that was the name of the girl who owned the Cart titan — came forward as a scout. Y/N sat in the wagon with Hange, Levi, the volunteers and General Magath, while Connie drove the wagon. The other wagon housed all the others, driven by Armin.

For the first few hours, Y/N continued to doze, gaining strength. Then, everyone around began to talk again, what bothered her.

Armin watched her. She was sitting on the edge of the carriage ahead. At first, she slept, and then she began to make something, taking out some details from her bag. She didn't participate in the conversations that took place between the two wagons, occupied exclusively with her own affairs. Then, Captain Levi woke up and they started talking. Armin looked at her, unsure what to do with it. Around them, the world was falling apart, and he thought of the girl like some teenager. He saw how caring she was. He watched how she communicated with the Captain, how she helped him. She has always been like this - selfless, kind... And Armin... was a murderer. He didn't deserve her. He closed his eyes, driving away all thoughts, returning to pressing issues.

Pieck was heading towards them.

- Stop! It seems like something happened...

They stopped. Pieck appeared from the back of the Titan's head, she was quite worried.

- The port... Captured by the Jaegerists. Looks like they were ahead of us on the train. There are many soldiers with weapons against the titans in full combat readiness. Looks like they've figured out our plan to stop The Rumbling and are ready to fight.

Approaching the port from the side of the mountains, Hange and Magath went to investigate, and the rest began to prepare... Only so far none of them understood how they would act. They needed a plan...

- «Incredible... Floch got here so fast... his mind is working», Hange said, looking up at the port city. «If the Jaegerists destroy the flying boat, we're done»

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