Chapter 83 - Something about Annie

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Y/N woke up feeling a soft touch on her back. She lay hugging Armin. Her head was on his chest, he put his arms around her, stroking her back. He was already awake and just lay there, waiting for her to wake up.

- Good morning, Armin.

- Good morning, Y/N. Did you get enough sleep?

- Yeah, you?

- Me too. I feel rested. Looks like the bath did the trick. Thank you.

- I'm always happy to help. And... I enjoyed taking baths with you, honey.

She stretched lightly, kissing him briefly on the cheek, and pulled herself out of his embrace. She looked at her watch - it was almost 8 am. Usually she came to work early, but the working day began at 9 am. They didn't have much time to get ready.

- If we still want to have time to have breakfast somewhere, then we need to get up and get ready.

- Yes, I know. I've been waiting for you to wake up.

Armin sat down next to her, hugging her and kissing her neck.

- You smell good, love.

- You too. We both smell like roses.

- I like it.

They started getting ready for work. Armin left one of his work suits in Y/Ns place in advance for such occasions.

Having gathered, they headed towards the headquarters. On their way to work, they stopped at a bakery where they had breakfast together, discussing plans for the next weekend. The coming week wasn't easy, because everything began to change. Already today, the Marleyans were supposed to leave Paradis, and their lives will begin to change. Armin added new responsibilities - it was necessary to organize a new line of activity for the Survey corps, to select people who would cope with this work, and the graduation of new cadets was approaching every day. Y/N finally had a stone fall from her shoulders - she didn't like that the Marleyans often tried to interact with her, interfering with her work. Now, she could safely do her research. The graduation of the cadets also worried her, but her main looming "problem" was the armaments review. Previously, engineers did something within their divisions, but when it was decided to separate the engineering corps into a separate division, this event was regulated. During the armaments review, the engineering corps demonstrated new inventions, improvements to other military units. As part of this review, the commanders of other units could make orders for one or another weapon, which, in their opinion, their unit needed, as well as form certain requests for solving certain problems that required the participation of engineers. Y/N was periodically stressed out by this event, as she didn't like the prospect of performing and telling something to a large number of people.

All this complicated their relationship a little. Previously, they used to see each other on Saturdays, but now they increasingly spent the night together, trying to spend every free minute together. Only they two. When they were together, it helped them get distracted from work worries and reboot. They often just sat by the fireplace, reading books to each other or playing chess, or just talking to each other. Even if they talked about work, they were calm - they discussed work, asking each other for advice, but at the same time, both remained professional, without mixing personal life and work. Their work was important to both of them and significant to the whole island, and they couldn't just follow their inner impulses.

They walked down the street drinking coffee.

- Armin, I should probably have said earlier...

- What exactly, Y/N?

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