Chapter 49 - Could we avoid it?

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Y/N closed her eyes, but still she had the feeling that she was blind. Flashlight blinded her through her eyelids. But...

She opened her eyes. She was still sitting on the roof, her fists clenched, her nails dug into her skin. She raised her head. And she became scared.

All around her were titans. Pure titans. Hundreds of titans. And she was alone. She was still herself. She looked down at her arm - the black suicide armband was still on. «So, this isn't a dream, but how... It doesn't matter, now I need to get out of here»

She didn't move, considering her options, trying not to draw the attention of the titans until she was sure what to do.

Slowly removing her backpack, Y/N pulled on the levers on her chest, and the ODM move from her waist to her back between her shoulder blades. «I've adjusted the balance, then I need to adjust the carbines... and do it quickly»

From her backpack, she took another holster with a gun and attached it to her free thigh. Taking special hooks from her backpack, she inserted them into the hole where the blades used to be attached. Also, she took a small balloon and attached it to her lower back. And... put on a breathing mask. «If I had glasses like Hange's, I'd pass for a madman»

Turning her backpack into a bag, she stood up. «Let's go»


The guys stood and watched as hundreds of titans appeared in the city. But there were tears in their eyes, because they had lost their friend. They couldn't believe that they were getting less and less.

- «We need to retreat, take more thunder spears... we... we can't cope with what we have...», Jean said, trying to remain calm, although it was hard for him.

- «I can't believe she's gone... we... we didn't even say goodbye...», Mikasa spoke with tears in her eyes. «We have lost her, forever! And... and Eren... we can't lose him too... She was our friend... Why didn't we save her...»

Armin was silent. Only tears flowed down his cheeks. He felt empty in his chest. Y/N is gone. The girl he loved is gone. The girl who gave him meaning. A girl who believed in him unconditionally, even when he didn't. The girl to whom he once devoted his heart. Now, he hated himself for trying to forget her, for trying to replace her. This feeling of incredible grief and loss drowned out every other thought in his head, screaming to rush into battle, escape, and...

- «Guys», Connie said uncertainly. «There's some movement...»

They focused on where Connie was pointing. Indeed, a group of titans were heading somewhere in one direction, as if surrounding a certain territory. They came closer and closer, narrowing the formed ring, until suddenly... They were all immersed in a cloud of greenish smoke. After a couple of seconds, a figure emerged from the smoke, moving on the ODM. They couldn't see who it was. The man moved on the ODM simply incredible - quickly and deftly. Even too fast.

- «We must help him, whoever it is! There are still a lot of titans! How did he get there? Only soldiers with black armbands went there!» Connie said.

- «Yes, it's strange, and...», began Jean.

And suddenly they saw something unusual. Namely - how this soldier coped with the titans.

One of the titans tried to get to him, but - something flew out of the ODM and wrapped around the arm of the titan who wanted to grab the man, and... squeezed, cutting the arm of the titan into thin strips of tissue, leaving him without an arm. And all this in seconds. And then - a man glided over the head of a titan and, clasping the same cable around the neck of a titan - decapitated him. Only this time, the cable caught fire either with flames or something else, which finally finished off the titan. All the burning cables again hid in the owner's ODM, and he calmly continued on his way.

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