Chapter 68 - Become friends again

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A week has passed since the engagement party for Sasha and Niccolo. After the weekend, Y/N went back to work, but the thought of meeting at the graveyard didn't leave her. Her days were so busy that she didn't know where to start. She didn't want Armin to feel like she was avoiding him or... didn't want to see him. She wanted to see him, she wanted to talk to him. But Armin had a difficult time too - according to Sasha, everything wasn't easy in the Survey corps and now Armin was in the process of becoming a commander.

Hitch helped Y/N at work, which made her life much easier. Her talent was to cover Y/N, saving her from «unnecessary» encounters. Although Hitch knew nothing about science, she was well aware of which meetings would be interesting and important for Y/N, and which would simply waste her time. Hitch knew Y/N well, understanding her periodic asociality, which sometimes manifested in her after a hard day or under the influence of emotions. Y/N was happy to have a assistant like Hitch. They understood each other perfectly when it came to working organizational issues.

It was Friday. End of the work week, but Y/N thought she still had to come to work tomorrow. The Marleyans wanted to visit one of the mines already in operation, and Y/N was in the process of organizing this trip at Historia's request. She herself didn't plan to go to north, but prepared all sorts of papers for Historia and the royal council, who were engaged in «entertaining» the Marley delegation.

-Knock Knock-

- Come in!

- Y/N, hello. Did I interfere?

- Hey, Reiner. No, I don't have meetings before lunch, it's good that you came. Come in.

During the week, Y/N and Reiner agreed to talk again, as they did in Marley. Y/N was glad to talk to him, she liked helping him.

Reiner went to her office. The office was spacious enough. By the window stood her desk, papers and books neatly arranged. There were a couple of chairs in front of the table. In the center of the office there was a sofa, a coffee table and a couple of armchairs - a place for negotiations and meetings. There were a couple of bookcases in the office and a couple more cupboards with miscellaneous accessories. Also, inside the office there was another door that led to a small personal laboratory where Y/N worked on her research.

Y/N sat down in one of the armchairs, while Reiner sat down on the sofa.

- Thanks for agreeing to meet. I didn't expect you to have the time.

- Were friends, I always have time for friends. How are you?

- Well, surprisingly good. After you left, at first it wasn't easy, I missed our conversations, but then it became easier. I remembered those books that you recommended to read. They must have helped me in some way. I still write things down when I have troubled thoughts.

- How about panic attacks? Does it still happen or not?

- Happened, but much less frequently. The last one was before our sailing to Paradis. I thought again about what I was doing and began to worry. And now everything is changing so much, and the guys are staying here...

- You don't want to leave your friends?

- Yeah. During this time, we all became friends again. Before, only other warriors were my friends, true friends. And then many of them died in this war. I was glad to find friends in the guys again, and now I understand that it was stupid to think that they would return to Marley, because Paradis is their home, but...

- But you would like things to stay the same. You know, I just talked to Annie recently, and you, like her, need to understand that we can't influence other people's decisions. We can only decide for ourselves. We cant control other people. We can only understand their decisions and accept our own.

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