Chapter 18 - It's time to play the part

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«And here it is -  the storm that I was talking about... Impossible... Why was the wall broken through not from the side of one of the district cities... And somewhere in that area our comrades are being held... Isn't it too much shock for one morning?» Immersed in her thoughts, Y/N packed her things. After the news of the breakthrough of Wall Rose, all the forces of the Survey corps were mobilized. The Commander sent several detachments to help people evacuate to nearby district cities. The Commander himself, together with Hange, Levi and the guys, decided to head to the Ehrmich district to help people, and also to talk with the residents of Ehrmich, who would certainly be against the arrival of refugees.

Collecting things that she carried with her from one base to another, she thought about where she would spend the night next time. «Is this the kind of life that awaits me...» She had achieved certain results in the study of wall samples and crystals, which Hange wanted to talk about. Also, she still wanted to continue studying Eren's blood. She already had certain theories, but she didn't dare to voice them yet. She needed good equipment, which the Survey corps didn't have. «I wish I could return to the Сapital, my father's equipment is much better, and I can only buy what I need in the Сapital. Different chemicals are sold only in some shops, but... What I'm thinking about, maybe I won't be returning to the Сapital very soon... How everything has changed, it seems that so much time has passed since I left the cadet corps, but in fact - just over a month and a half...»

She gathered all her belongings and headed to the stables, where everyone was getting ready to leave. Everyone gathered in silence. Y/N approached Hange while it was time to talk in private.

- Hange, can I have a minute? I don't know when we'll have another opportunity to discuss my tasks.

- «Y/N, yes, let's go», they looked around everyone around, «yeah, I think we have a couple of minutes before departure»

They stepped aside.

- «I wanted to tell you what I learned about walls and crystals», Y/N took out a large piece of crystal from her pocket, which Hange gave her, «although they're completely different in appearance, but... In structure, they're the same. They react equally to heat and to a number of chemicals that I was able to get in Stohess. Something like a chemical reaction is formed, but in the end nothing changes. It's like pouring cold water on a hot stone - steam will come out, but after a second - the water will drain, and the stone will heat up again. This means that the crystals that titan-shifter can create and the walls are connected. Eren, of course, doesn't know anything, we can't ask Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt... not an option yet. Remains...»

- Pastor Nick. He knows something about the walls that he doesn't want to talk about. These days I have used any means to get him to talk. And, therefore, I hope that the sight of the refugees will soften him. He will go with us.

- Hange, the commander didn't say anything, what are we going to do next? After Ehrmich? We go behind the wall to help in the evacuation or...

- The situation is becoming more and more complicated, and even this breakthrough of the wall. We can't even figure out where it is. Garrison soldiers, along with scouts who have been cleared to return to work, comb the entire perimeter of Wall Rose, looking for a breach through which the titans have passed. When they find it... Hell, I don't even know what will happen when they find it. It's obvious that everyone can't hide behind the wall Sina, but those who take refuge... We already have a shortage of all resources, but now...

Hange clutched their head, trying to contain their growing unease. Y/N put her hand on their shoulder.

- Hange, we can handle it. The commander will definitely come up with something.

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