Chapter 36 - Crescent

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After departure from Paradis, everyone began to look for something to do. Onyankopon continued the tour for Y/N, only this time they were joined by Hange, who, although not the first time listening to all this, wanted to spend more time with Y/N and discuss everything that Onyankopon had to say to them. They liked the girl's company, because she always supported Hange's scientific endeavors. Spending time with her reminded them of the days when they was just doing research on the titans, and not leading an entire Survey Corps, forming international alliances and conducting diplomatic meetings and covert missions.

Y/N was also pleased to be in Hange's company, especially after their little conversation before sailing. She couldn't believe how much Hange trusted her, that they was actually giving her all the research units of the Survey Corps. To her. To eighteen year old girl. She thought about what Hange didn't know about her - about her problems. She thought that if they had known about it, they wouldn't have trusted her with all this. Therefore, she was grateful to Levi for insisting on keeping all of this a secret from Hange. After all, Y/N as a result coped with everything and it was the work that helped her cope with all her «issues».

Their tour was slow as every now and then Y/N or Hange asked questions or started a discussion. Y/N often wrote down something in her notebook, which she practically never parted with. She already had a whole collection of such notebooks in which she wrote down interesting facts and ideas on medicine, engineering, chemistry and genetics. She didn't show her notes to anyone, but she often talked about some ideas with Hange. And she discussed her research with Levi, although she sometimes saw in his look that at a certain moment he ceased to understand what she was trying to explain to him.

Their tour continued until late in the evening. They skipped lunch, but Hange and Y/N didn't really notice. Both of them were very keen on science personas, so knowledge was also a kind of food for them. This time helped Y/N adjust her thoughts to not behave associatively in the company of her old friends, whom she hadn't seen for a couple of years, and didn't communicate - and even more.

For dinner they gathered in the meeting cabin, which was a large room with a semi-circular wall with windows that poured in light. In this room there was a large table, which had already been laid out for them with various goodies, and there were also shelves with books. Also, there were a couple of chairs in the corner. They all sat down at the table and began to eat. Hange sat at the head of the table like a commander. Y/N sat between Levi and Mikasa, who wanted to sit next to her. Sitting between them, she thought that perhaps all this silence is also genetic. They were different in appearance, but many traits, behavior - just genetics. She found it intriguing.

Everyone around was now and then carried away by some kind of conversation. Sasha was sitting across from Y/N and Mikasa, chatting about food and Niccolo. Y/N didn't know him, but in her opinion, Sasha was lucky that she found the right person for her, because Sasha couldn't be called an ordinary girl. She was beautiful, no doubt, but her character wasn't easy. Mikasa didn't really support the conversation, she just looked warmly at Y/N, then at Sasha. But mostly Sasha spoke. Connie, who was sitting next to her, interrupted Sasha's monologue, and they began to exchange jokes among themselves. Jean just looked at them sideways. Y/N noticed that, unlike Sasha and Connie, he tried to look and act more mature, so, as far as she could tell, he became closer to Armin, because he, in turn, had a tense relationship with Eren . Eren didn't speak to anyone. He sat next to Mikasa, but didn't participate in conversations, but only occasionally glanced at the others.

While Y/N ceased to be involved in the conversation, she remembered her wish.

- Onyankopon! I want to clarify something about our capabilities.

He and Hange turned their attention to her.

- Yes, Y/N, what are you interested in?

- I studied the information about the technologies that you provided us. And, I would like to purchase some devices. For scientific purposes, for use, not for copying. I'm not interested in copying other people's inventions.

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