Chapter 70 - With all my heart

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Sunday flew by quickly. Y/N was absent-minded, everything fell out of her hands during the lesson with Niccolo, and the dishes didn't work out very well. Her thoughts were about Armin, or rather, about how everything between them ended yesterday. She thought that maybe she did something wrong, that he took her actions, her words differently. He left so quickly without saying anything... Y/N didn't know if she should have been more insistent and what to do now.

Her Sunday followed the usual schedule. When she met with Levi, they didn't talk about what happened yesterday. Everything was as usual, calm and measured. Y/N was grateful to Levi for everything. He, as usual, kept his word. Everything was as it was before - before everything that was between them. That she didn't have to worry about it pleased her.

In the evening, they discussed mostly work - Levi told her about what was happening in the Underground, and said that tomorrow they would both have to go down there to the construction site. In addition to his work in the Survey corps, Levi had already become a member of the royal council - he helped Historia with the development project of the Underground City, so he often visited the palace and was aware of the whole situation with the Marleyans. He also always told Y/N about this, who tried not to meddle in all this.

Returning home, Y/N sat by the fireplace and looked at the fire. She was worried. Almost every working day, she sometimes saw Armin in the corridors one way or another. Usually they just exchanged greetings, or agreed to walk together in the evening or go out for lunch, but now... she didn't know what would happen if they met. What should she say... Act like she normally do? Or not?


On Monday, on the way to work, Y/N took a coffee, slowly went to work. Monday has always been a busy day.

Hitch was already at work, sorting through papers.

- Y/N, good morning! How is the weekend?

- Not bad, yours?

- Oh, I... had a duty on Saturday in the Underground City, some kind of nightmare. And on Sunday everything was quite boring...

- What, no one even asked you on a date? I don't believe.

- Yes... I myself am in shock.

- Speaking of the Underground City, can you prepare the paperwork for the power plant project for me? I'll go there in the afternoon to the construction site to meet with the engineers, I'll need these documents, okay?

- Yes, I understand, I will. Do I have to go with you?

- No, I can handle it myself. I will go with Captain Levi, he is dealing with these issues on behalf of the Queen.

- So you won't be going back to work?

- Yes, I think we will spend more than couple of hours there. If there's anything urgent, send me a mail to my apartment, okay? I'm going straight home after work, so if I look.

- Understood. There is already a bundle of letters, I left it on your desk.

- Well, thank you.

Y/N went into the office, and, sitting down at the table, began to parse the mail. There were letters from various Garrison units across the island asking for new equipment, equipment upgrades, or additional equipment shipments. Letters from the north from mine developers, requests from the military police for modernization, replacement, equipment upgrades, ODM. Letters from the engineers of Hizuru, who were involved in the project of the Underground City. Letters from hospitals...There were many.

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