Chapter 16 - They always been among us

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As Y/N had expected, Erwin enlisted the guys in the development of a plan to capture the Female Titan, which was decided to be carried out in Stohess, where the headquarters of the military police, where Annie Leonhart served, was located. The plan was based on the assumption that Annie would believe guys, namely Armin, who would try to convince her that he and Mikasa supposedly wanted to help Eren escape from the trial that was coming to him, since he still hadn't proven his worth as a titan-shifter.

This time Y/N didn't participate in the development of the main part of the plan. She was still hurt by the Commander's decision to remove her, though it may have saved her life. She decided to help Hange in finalizing the equipment for the future operation. Communication with Hange was always is a fresh breath: they talked mostly about work, talking about their crazy theories. Hange didn't talk to Y/N about the Commander, and also didn't get their reproach like Levi. Therefore, they were a great team.

It's noteworthy that this time the Commander allowed Y/N to be present on the mission. But, only as part of the Hange squad, who were preparing the equipment for the capture. Their job was to provide the operation with the necessary devices, and also, their squad entered the battle only when absolutely necessary. Y/N was fine with that, as anything is better than sitting in headquarters all alone and then listening to stories from others.

Y/N still avoided communication with others who joined the Survey corps. She wanted to explain everything. She's tired of it. She was glad that all the main time she was apart from them, as she works with Hange. She only had contact with Eren, who was still being tested and monitored, and with Armin and Mikasa, who also occasionally came along with Eren. Mikasa didn't ask Y/N about everything she was interested in. She was just glad that her friend was alive and well. Periodically, she came to Y/N before going to bed, and they chatted as usual, as during training in the cadet corps.

Even though she tried to avoid the others, they didn't. One day she ran into Jean:

- Y/N, hello. You're almost invisible...

- Jean, hello. There is a lot of work, you can't go easy with Hange...

- Look, we're all glad you're alive. Truly. We would all like you to come to our company for dinner, there are not many of us left. And... We must stick to each other, or something.

- Jean, your words are pleasant to me. But I just don't want to explain what, how and why. In the month that I've spent practically babysitting Eren, I'm pretty tired of it. He didn't understand that I couldn't tell, but he asked anyway, even though I warned him. And you, guys... As much as I want to tell you everything, I can't.

Suddenly Connie and Sasha appeared out of nowhere.

- Y/N, PLEASE! We promise not to ask anything.

- «I think someday we will all know, and, it doesn't really matter», Jean said. «You're okay and we're all alive»

- Guys, I'm sorry... about Marco. I know you were close friends.

- «It's all Annie. When Armin told us everything, I couldn't believe Annie... I still can't believe she could...», Connie tried to gather his thoughts together.

- We will avenge Marco. For all those who were killed by these titans...

- And then we'll all eat meat...

- «SASHA!!!», Jean and Connie shouted at the same time. «We have an emotional moment here, and you...»

The guys started laughing and joking with each other. Y/N just looked at them and remembered how cloudless life can be.

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