Chapter 3 - Among the scouts

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All evening after the conversation with the commander, Y/N was gathering her stuff that she wanted to take with her. Erwin warned her to not take too much, because one way or another, she can say goodbye to permanent residence. Scouts often change their location, and carrying a lot of things with them is simply not practical. Y/N folded her favorite clothes: a jumpsuit, a pair of turtlenecks, pants, and one dress her father gave her for her last birthday, and her favorite boots. The most difficult thing for her was choosing which books to take. «Surely, the scouts have a library, so I need to take something rare and unique», she thought. So the to-go pile included a couple of books on narrow medical specialties, books on biochemistry, a stolen book about the outside world, and a favorite detective story that Y/N reread when she wanted to relax her head.

They left early in the morning so as not to attract too much attention. Erwin wanted to ride in a carriage, but Y/N reminded him that she was good with horses, so they rode horses. They were accompanied by two more soldiers from Survey Corps, with whom the commander arrived in the Capital.

Y/N never left the Capital. She didn't even leave the central part of it: her father sometimes went to some patients in their remote residences, these were work trips, so Y/N didn't go with him. Now, leaving the Capital, she thought that her past life ended with the death of her father, now she will work and give everything she can to change this world for the better.

As soon as they left the city, the commander turned to Y/N:

- It will take several hours to get to the Wall Sina, there we will rest a little in order to arrive at the headquarters by nightfall. If you get tired, tell me.

Y/N nodded and they sped up. They passed villages, fields and forests. Y/N looked at everything with great curiosity and pleasure that time flew by quickly. She didn't notice how they got to the Wall Sina. There they ate lunch and set off again. Now she no longer looked around, but thought about how strangely the two scouts, who accompanied them, looked at her. They didn't show disrespect, didn't treat her in any unworthy way, they simply looked at her with a certain question, which was addressed not to her, but to the commander. A girl in the ranks of scouts. Not even a soldier who had just graduated from the cadet corps, not a brave boy fighting for food, but a girl who had lived all her life in a comfortable house, playing with the children of the nobles. The girl who never left Mitras.


Late in the evening, they arrived at one of the old castles within the Wall Maria, which became the temporary headquarters of the scouts. Y/N expected them to arrive in Trost, where she thought the headquarters were, but Erwin explained that the scouts don't like to eye, and take refuge outside of large cities, but not far from them, but, nevertheless, several of their people somehow or otherwise they are now working in Trost.

- You're probably tired of being in the saddle all day, I will ask to prepare a room for you where you will live for the time you're here, and in the morning I will introduce you to my people.

- I'm fine, Uncle Erwin. Don't worry. If you want, you can introduce me to them now if anyone else is awake.

«She's tougher than she looks», thought Erwin. «If we train her, she will become stronger and I'll be less worried about her safety. She can take care of herself»

- I don't think anyone else is asleep. With our work, there is no sleep schedule. I think most of them are still having dinner.

Erwin asked their escorts to unload their things and ask them to prepare a room for Y/N, while he took Y/N's hand and they headed towards the castle.

Girl from Mitras ★ A. ArlertWhere stories live. Discover now