Chapter 40 - To know each other

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Connie agreed to Y/N's adventure. To tell the truth, he didn't really care why she did it or what she wanted to do. He knew that Y/N was studying the titans. That she was always interested in all this. And now in his head was only hope that she could return his mother to him. Bring her back the way he remembered her. He was ready to do anything to get her back to him. She was the only family he had left. On the days they had days-off, he went to Ragako. He still didn't understand why he was torturing himself. Looking at his mother in titan form, for some reason he no longer blamed the Marleyans. He blamed himself. He blamed himself for not being able to do anything, and still can't do anything about it. He was often infuriated that for some reason other people weren't worried about such minor problems on the one hand, such as the return of his mother to a human appearance. Everyone was worried about the war. How to win it and all that. Nobody wanted change. More precisely, for some reason everyone wanted the world to change, not change themself.

Although they had plans for the evening, Connie decided that a trip to Ragako was more important. He returned to the guys in the room where they were all sitting together, and Y/N went to prepare for departure. They agreed to meet in an hour at the stables.

- «What did she want?» Jean asked him.

- «She needs help with something, so... I can't go to the restaurant with you today, sorry», Connie replied.

- «Well, why... Is it really so urgent... This is Y/N, transfer all this for later and...», Sasha began to protest.

- «Unfortunately, my rank doesn't allow me to initiate such a thing», Connie said, sitting next to Jean.

- «What are you talking about? And...», began Armin.

- Hange promoted her. She's executive officer now, which means she can tell us what to do. She's even higher in ranks than you, Armin. So... I actually can't refuse...

- «Apparently, for Hange, brains are the priority... First, they promoted Armin to a senior officer, and then... But wait, Y/N was a simple officer all this time... And immediately became executive? How is it?», Jean was skeptical. «Maybe you messed up something?»

- Don't take me for a fool. Officer Berner approached us and told Y/N that they were now in the same positions. And he is executive officer.

- «But Moblit seems to be helping Hange with their affairs, handling all this paperwork and organizing all the meetings... Why does they need another executive?» asked Armin.

- «Like she said, Hange only officially assigned her all the affairs in the field of research, and in general... Come on, you should ask her about this, not me», Connie flared up. «And yes, I came by to say that I'm not going with you tonight. That's all. I have to go», he stood up and went back out into the corridor.

- What's wrong with him?


Y/N and Connie left Trost. Connie still hesitated to ask what Y/N was planning to do. He saw her burning eyes, as if she was on the verge of something incredible. She was so occupied with her thoughts that she herself didn't start a conversation with him. But it was still necessary to ask.

- Y/N, what do you want to know in Ragako?

She was distracted from her thoughts. Y/N was in a stream of thought: she built logical chains in her head, stood up for the course of action that she would take. Connie pulled her back into reality. She looked at him. He was clearly worried. Y/N asked him to go with her for a reason.

- I... I don't want to lie to you, Connie, really. But... please, promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. It's important. I... I'm not sure...

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