Chapter 109 - Rip off a band-aid

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In the morning, Y/N woke up first. Yesterday she fell asleep holding Armin to her chest, nuzzling his head, trying to calm his worries. Overnight everything changed. Now Armin pressed her to his chest and snorted sweetly in his sleep. She remembered her promise and didn't try to get up. She snuggled back into him, hugging him as she tried to go back to sleep. They had to go to work, but right now she was more concerned about making sure Armin felt calm.

She dozed quietly in his arms, lightly stroking his bare back.

- Y/N...

- Honey, are you awake?

- Yeah. How did you sleep?

- Fine. And you? The main thing is that you sleep peacefully.

- I slept peacefully, I dreamed of the ocean, and you...

- Mm... good dream.

- We probably need to get up and get ready for work.

- Yes, I just didn't want to wake you up, so I didn't look at the time.

Y/N gently pulled away from his embrace and reached for her wristwatch that was lying on the bedside table.

- Um... it's almost 8 in the morning... we have to get up...

- Let's lie down for a couple more minutes, please...

Y/N smiled at him and returned to his arms.

- I was upset yesterday, I'm sorry I made you worry.

- Armin... I told you that I will be with you no matter what, in sorrow and in joy... if it's hard for you, if you can't cope with anything, please talk to me, I'm ready to give you all my attention and care, to help you calm your worries, feel loved...

- I just thought for a long time that I could handle it on my own, but I can't. It's hard... Okay, let's not talk about this again...

- But still... talk to me when you're having a hard time. I'm always with you.

Armin didn't answer her, pulling her closer and kissing her gently on the forehead. Y/N blushed, smiling slightly.


After lying in bed for a while, they soon began to get ready for work. They had breakfast on the way to work, eating freshly baked pastries and drinking a cup of coffee. And then... each of them went to work.


- Hitch, do I have any free days next week?

- Hmm, it looks like Wednesday is not busy yet. Are there any things to do? Put it on the schedule?

- Yes, Armin asked to give him a day to examine the people who will arrive this Sunday. He asked me to help with a medical examination and consultation if needed.

- Oh, I understand, then I'll pre-plan it on the schedule, and then we'll decide after the fact.

- Fine. I also need to take the letter to Dr. Carvert's medical clinic, I think I could use some help.

- No problem.

- And yes... please don't tell anyone about me and Armin yet, like it happened with Jean.

- But...

- Armin wants to talk to Annie in person about this first, in order to... settle everything between them. Everything is not easy for them anyway, so... do it not for me, but for Annie, she's your friend.

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