Chapter 76 - Friday

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The week after the explosion was crazy.

On Monday, Y/N made a quick run to work, collected documents from Hitch, gave her the next batch of assignments, and headed to the palace, where she spent the rest of the day talking to Historia and the engineers.

On Tuesday, she didn't make it to the office, going straight to the Underground City to coordinate work with Hizuru's team. As a result, by the end of the day on Tuesday, the missing details were again revealed.

Because of this, on Wednesday, Y/N again went to Krolva for production, returning to the capital on Thursday afternoon.


8 am. Friday.

Y/N slumped wearily into a chair in her office, sighing. She was finally in no hurry. Crazy four days... but it worth it. The construction of the power plant was resumed, production was established... Y/N could again return to her developments and breathe easy.

She took her cup of coffee and began to read the papers accumulated over the days. There were letters from factories in the north producing ODM's, letters from the Garrison units involved in urban rebuilding. Letter-minutes from the meeting about the cadet corps. She sighed and got to work.

During lunch, Hitch came to her asking if she would to lunch, but Y/N only asked to bring her lunch, not wanting to be distracted from her work. It was Friday, and she wanted to close the accumulated questions to the maximum.

She continued to work without distraction until three o'clock. There was a knock on her door. There was a noise outside the door, Y/N distinctly heard Hitch's voice. The arguments continued for some time, until Y/N got tired of it. She stood up and looked out of the office.

- Hitch, what's going on here?

Outside her door stood Hitch, Armin, and Commander Stubbs, the new commander of the military police, who wasn't tolerated by almost all adequate officers.

- «Oh, she's not that busy, Hitchy», Stubbs spoke up.

- «What do you want, Stubbs?» Y/N asked him coldly.

He took out a sheet of paper from his pocket and began to wave it.

- What kind of come-off is this, Y/N? Do you think that this will be enough for me?

Y/N just looked at him with a completely indifferent expression on her face.

- It's about ODM. Why this refusal? As far as I know, there are already two updated versions of the ODM, and since you took up this position, the military police have only received old models from the time before going beyond the walls. Is this some kind of joke?

- No, I don't have to explain my decisions.

- And after all, not only me who received such a refusal, Arlert is also dissatisfied. But I don't see anyone from the Garrison here.

- People from the Garrison are engaged in the restoration of cities, they need lighter and more convenient equipment.

- And we maintain order throughout the island and...

- For this, the old ODM is enough for you. As far as I know, for the most part military police officers don't use it at all, so why waste the equipment. As for the scouts, now the situation has changed, and I agreed to provide certain categories of officers with updated ODM's, especially since the old models are in excellent condition.

- Listen, I...

- If you have any questions, Stubbs, address them to the Queen or the Commander-in-Chief, and let them decide who is right and who is wrong. I don't have time to justify my decisions.

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