Chapter 10 - Everything comes to an end

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It was a magical feeling. Armin melted into this feeling. It seemed to him that nothing around him existed. Just him and her. Her warm, her gentle touch, her scent... He wanted to be like this forever. He held her by the waist, his hands caressing her back until their heads touched forehead to forehead. Her hands wandered over his torso, now and then lingering in some area. They didn't look into each other's eyes, but he felt that if that happened, they definitely wouldn't be just friends anymore. He wants it badly. He didn't want to be her friend.

He looked into her eyes. Fire played in it as usual, only now something else appeared. He moved closer to her, their noses touching. She rubbed her nose over his, smiling playfully. Her lips are slightly parted. Armin praised every feature of her: her face, her lips, her nose, her hair... He praised her. And they crossed the line.

Her lips were soft. He always thought they would be soft, but he couldn't imagine what it would be like to kiss her. Their bodies froze in unexpected proximity, a soft, gentle kiss was all that mattered. At first, it was light kisses, then more passionate. It seemed like an eternity before Armin's lips began to explore her cheeks, her neck...


She was everything that interested him, everything that he desired so much. He didn't know how much he needed it. Needs to feel it. To be with her.


He melted into her. He pulled her closer, giving his arms more freedom. She whispered something in his ear, but he didn't hear, he died in her arms.


He abruptly sank down and felt a sharp headache.


He woke up.

Jean stood over him, trying to wake him up. He leaned over to wake Armin up and when he woke up they hit their heads.

- WE'RE LATE FOR DUTY! Didn't know you were sleeping so deeply! DAMN, why did you do that... My head hurts like hell now... And if there will be a bruise...

He glared at Armin, who was still sitting up in bed.

- «Don't tell me you're still sleeping!» he went towards the exit from their barracks and looked out the door. «EREN! ARMIN IS BROKEN!»

- It's all right, Jean, just stop yelling!

- Really... Get ready, now it's already breakfast, which you probably won't have time for at such a pace.

- Yes, I'm going, just calm down.

- I'll go get us something from the kitchen. Otherwise, in this mood, you're no better than Eren.

- «HEY, I'M RIGHT HERE!» Eren returned to the barracks.

- Go arrange your showdowns outside, okay?! Give me a minute to wake up...

They left, and Armin was left alone. Well, almost alone - there were still cadets in the barracks on the second tier, and he heard that someone was talking.

«God, what was that... This dream...» His face turned red, either from shame, or from embarrassment, or from the realization that this didn't seem like a dream to his body as he feels something new, which makes him uncomfortable. He decided not to part with the blanket for now and, wrapping with his head and body in it, went to the showers. Jean was right. Even though today was a day-off, they were on duty at the stables - Mikasa and someone else were also supposed to be on duty with them. Armin needed to wake up, he would think about the consequences of all this later.

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