Chapter 75 - Time alone

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Early on Saturday morning, Y/N and Damian left the capital, heading to Krolva with grand plans

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Early on Saturday morning, Y/N and Damian left the capital, heading to Krolva with grand plans. The time spent with a friend calmed a little the storm in Y/Ns soul, caused by mixed feelings. Now, leaving the capital, she left personal problems in this city in the hope that when she returned, she would be able to accurately indicate what she felt and what she wanted.


Armin woke up with a heavy load on his heart. Friday night wasn't easy for him. He sat at his desk in the living room for a long time, trying to distract himself from thoughts of Y/N. In the end, he bought whiskey again and... drank until three in the morning, trying to figure out himself, his mistakes. He was sad. He loved Y/N so much that the thought that he would lose her because of his actions hurt her. How much he didn't want to be doing something wrong with her. He thought that they could have been together much earlier, if not for his fears, his cowardice... his mistakes.

He lay and stared at the ceiling, feeling cold in his bed. He was hurt and lonely. He wished she was here, by his side. To find peace in her arms. When she was around, he saw everything clearly. Knowing that she would support him, he was confident in his decisions. Knowing that she believed in him, he also believed in himself. Next to her, he was the best version of himself.

He thought about what to do today. Usually, he spent Saturday with Y/N. He thought about meeting up with friends - he knew that Jean and Connie used to go to the bar, probably Reiner would be with them too. Girls sometimes went with them - Sasha, Mikasa and Annie. And also - Pieck, if she wasn't busy. Historia usually rarely went out of town with her friends, preferring to invite everyone to her place. She didn't like the attention that often surrounded her. She was a highly recognizable face on the island.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, Armin spent some time reading books, and left the house for lunch. The weather was wonderful. Armin walked through the streets of the capital, examining shop windows. He went to the bookstore and bought a couple of books. I walked through the park, watching couples walk holding hands, as parents play with their children. Such simple... human happiness.

He sat under the tree under where he and Y/N often sat when they were in the park, took a book and began to read. He sat like that for several hours. Then he got up and headed towards the house. He was still sad and lonely.

On the way home, he went to one of the shops where they sold tea - Y/N told him about this shop. He stayed there for about twenty minutes, choosing different types of tea. After, he went to the store, bought a bunch of different products and food, taking whatever he wanted. Money didn't bother him, he earned enough and spent too little. He returned home with full bags. Entering the house, he found several letters in his mailbox.

As he closed the door, he had a smile on his face. He felt what Y/N was talking about. Life... for a day he forgot about his work, about his worries. He only thought about his friends, about his beloved... like an ordinary person. He spent the day as he wished. With an interesting book. He bought a lot of goodies that he once wanted to try, and now he had such an opportunity. Y/N was right - they continued to live despite everything they went through. And regrets are worth nothing.

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