Chapter 20 - Old friend

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- Hey, where are you going? Until further notice, the refugees aren't allowed to leave the city! You should be grateful that they let you behind the wall anyway!

Y/N tried to leave Ehrmich. The words of the officer didn't stop her, and she continued to move, simultaneously looking for her documents in her bag.


The officer grabbed her by the arm, which nearly knocked her off her horse.

- «Sir, let me go! I have the right to go out into the interior!» she finally dug up her documents. «Here, I'm a resident of the Сapital Mitras! I was behind the wall with my relatives. But now... I need to go back, I hope I don't need to explain the reason»

- Oh, sorry, miss. I didn't know. Of course, go ahead. Good luck on your journey!

Y/N was annoyed by this behavior. She was downright infuriated by the way people were treated. They were all in the same cage, but even in this cage there were those who believed that privileges and class inequality were appropriate even in the most difficult situation. Ultimately, they were all humans. One blood. All of them were under the oppression of a single threat.

Leaving Ehrmich, she picked up the pace to get to the Capital as quickly as possible. Perhaps soon everything will change dramatically, and she needed to have time to take the right position. As she drove, she thought of a plan. «So, I'll go to my apartment first. I need to freshen up... Maybe get a haircut?» She touched her fairly grown hair. «Yeah, definitely need a haircut. To meet expectations. I have to be the Capital girl everyone expects me to be. Not a scout, not a soldier. A capital girl who wants to become a doctor like her father, who was dear to everyone in the palace... Although no one forbids me from being in the palace, nevertheless, I need to find a way to strengthen my position. After father's death, Dr. Carvert took his place. He's already quite old, maybe he needs an assistant? I can try to get back together with Damian, maybe he can help persuade his father to take me as an assistant? God, I probably can't recognize him now... The last time we saw each other was when he was seven? Or eight? Will he recognize me? I wonder what he is doing now?»

She immersed herself in childhood memories. Once upon a time, her father placed her in the care of palace servants who looked after the children of the nobles, as well as children whose parents were close friends of the king and nobles. A sort of royal kindergarten. Y/N didn't really like it there, she found the other kids boring and uninteresting. She talked there with only one boy - Damian. A mischievous boy with jet-black hair and dark brown eyes that, in certain lighting, seemed completely black as night. Their fathers knew each other well and both were doctors. Dr. Carvert also occupied a fairly prestigious position in the Capital, but his services were available to all residents of the city - he had his own small clinic, Y/N's father was the king's personal doctor, and a doctor for the nobles if they needed his services. Also, they were united by the absence of both mothers – Y/N's mother died in childbirth, and Damian's mother - ran away with another man when the boy was only three. He didn't remember her, so he calmly talked about the fact that she had left them with his father.

For Y/N, his company was the only alternative to complete loneliness. Although, sometimes she preferred this sad alternative, since although she could communicate with Damian, sometimes she found him too clingy. She didn't understand why he always clung to her, although he had a lot of friends. At some point, his father sent him to a private boys' school and they never saw each other again. They weren't good friends, so Y/N never asked her father about him and his father.

Her thoughts returned to the Survey corps. She thought about what awaits them. She knew that it would probably take a long time to find out how they were doing. Perhaps she would hear something in the palace, but when she could talk to someone... Suddenly, a feeling of loneliness overtook her. She was alone. Nobody will help her. No more squads, comrades... She has a mission. And she must find the strength to deal with it alone. These thoughts hurt her. Just yesterday she felt this feeling. Feeling of oneness with another person. And now, as soon as she felt it, she had to say goodbye to this feeling. Say goodbye to Armin. She didn't know when she would see him. And see whether at all. She hoped and believed that he would return. «He's smart, he will find a way to survive. And I'll see him again. And...» She felt her face getting hot. She touched her cheek, trying to recreate the feel of Armin's hair tickling her cheeks as they hugged in the dark library. Thoughts of that evening kept coming back to her.

Girl from Mitras ★ A. ArlertWhere stories live. Discover now