Zane gets eaten -38-

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Nya had been trying the radio for the past hours, there was nothing coming through. 

Lloyd pushed open the door, walking in with a large container on his arms. "Any luck?"

She groaned, falling back into her chair, "Nothing. Something is wrong with the long range transmitter, but I can't figure out what."

Lloyd sighed, glancing to you, he was asking if you were ok. You nodded standing up, "Guess I shouldn't stay in here all day.." you groaned, glancing outside.

Jumping down from the LB, Lloyd placed the container down in a pile groaning, "That's the last of it..."

Kai stood up, "That's not good. Less than a day's supply of water."

Flipping through Zane's book, Cole rolled his eyes, "The ATV and the Land-Bounty are wrecked, and the Rock-cycle isn't fast enough to outrun those beetles."

"Well even if it could, it would only carry one of us."

Lloyd frowned, "Maybe Nya could draw water out of the air...?"

Cole followed along with a frown, "Too dry..Oh Y/n? Could you make water? You did it in the First Realm."

It was back to the First Realm. This was just the First Realm all over again. "Could barely make enough for myself, don't think I can make enough for all of us-"

You got cut off by loud banging. Looking over your shoulder, Jay was using his new 'sharp edged' nunchucks. "What are you doing?"

He chuckled, "Carving a message on this rock. So people know who we are when they find our bones." 

Lloyd sighed, "Could we at least be a little more optimistic? Please?"

"I'm afraid there is little cause for optimism." Zane started, walking to the side of the Land-Bounty, "Our situation is dire. The Bounty's engine will not start without the Thermolytic Kinetic Inverter." You weren't even going to pretend you had a clue to what he was saying. "It is a critical engine component. And it is missing. I believe when Beohernie ripped through the hull, he fore that component out and swallowed it."

Jay threw his nunchucks to the ground, "Well that's just great! First a giant beetle tries to eat us alive, then we smash into a bunch of rocks, and now we're stuck without food or water, or a thermal-whatever thingie only Zane can say and-" 

You stopped listening and focuses on the other Ninja trying to problem solve. A rumbling was sounded under you. Beohernie quickly shot up from the ground, grabbing Jay in it's pincers. 

Everyone ran over quickly, Lloyd managing to catch his hand. The team formed a chain, making sure Lloyd could manage not pulling Jay apart. 

Cole and Kai seemed to be doing something, but it caused the line to shift quickly, causing you to almost fall face first into sand. Before you knew it, Kai had blasted a fireball at Bernie, causing him to screech and burrow back into the sand. 

Lloyd frowned, "We better keep off the sand."


Sitting on the rock, you were leaned up against Lloyd's leg as the team talked. You had been bored out of your mind for hours. And you didn't like the fact you were still in the desert. 

"I see only one option." The nindroid started. Zane had spent all day doing calculations on possible scenarios of getting out of the desert and to the pyramid. "The digestive system of a beetle is very slow. There is a good chance the Thermolytic Inverter is still intact inside Beohernie's stomach." Jay had to interrupt him by correcting his name to Bernie. 

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