Stomach bug Manstead

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Natalie noticed she felt nauseous halfway through her shift but just thought it was because she had not eaten since the previous night and hadn't had a chance to eat or sit down because of pile up victims that came in. She finally had the opportunity to get lunch so her and Will went down to the cafeteria to get food. It was a cold day so they both got soup. Will noticed that Natalie was eating slower than usual.

"You ok?" Will asked

"Yeah, just a little nauseous," Natalie replied.

"You don't feel warm, hopefully it's just from the stress of the day so far," Will said as he felt her forehead.

"Yeah, I think that's all it is," Natalie replied.

They finished eating 20 minutes later.

"Are you feeling any less nauseous?" Will asked.

"Not really," Natalie replied.

"Go lay down in an on-call room for a little bit. I'll take over your patients and come check in on you in an hour" Will told her as he kissed her head.

"Ok thank you" Natalie replied.

Will went back to the ED and Natalie went and laid down in an on-call room. She quickly fell asleep. Will came to check on her an hour later and she was still asleep. He walked up to her and noticed she was pale. He felt her forehead and she was burning up. He quickly left the room to go find Sharon and tell her he was taking Natalie home because she was sick. He went up to her office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" Sharon called out

"Hey, I need to take Natalie home she has a fever," Will told her.

"Ok, you can stay with her. There's only 2 hours left on your shift anyway" Sharon replied.

"Ok thank you" Will responded.

"Of course. Tell Natalie I hope she feels better" Sharon told him.

"Ok will do," Will said, stepping out of her office.

He went and signed Owen out of daycare. Then called Helen to see if she could watch Owen for a few days.

W Hey Natalies sick. I'm pretty sure she has the stomach bug. I don't want Owen to catch this. Can you take him for a few days?

H Of course

W Ok thank you I just have to talk to Natalie I'll keep you updated.

H ok sounds like a plan.

He got back to the on-call room and gently rubbed Natalies back to wake her up to get her home.

"Hey, I need you to wake up. You have a fever. I'm taking you home" Will told her.

Natalie slowly sat up then ran across the room and threw up into the trash can. Will was close behind her.

"Ssh it's ok you're ok just let it all out" Will soothed.

Once she was done he handed her a water bottle to rinse out her mouth.

"Here rinse out your mouth," Will told her.

Natalie rinsed out her mouth and sat there for a few minutes. Will helped her up and they went and got their stuff.

"Your mom said she could watch Owen for a bit. Do you want to drop him off so he doesn't catch this.? Will asked.

"Yeah," Natalie replied.

Will shot a quick text to Helen.

W Natalie wants to drop Owen off at your place. We'll be there soon.

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