11x10 Stellaride

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Tw for abuse. It is only mentioned at the end. I decided to go more in-depth into the whole story with Carver's brother because it is something that I went through and something that almost got me killed multiple times. Lastly, it is something that is not talked about enough and something not a lot of people know about. What Carver went through can be classified as sibling abuse. I'm a victim it started when I was 7 and I didn't know what it was till 12 years later when I was 19. I knew what was happening to me wasn't ok but I didn't know it had its abuse category if that makes sense. Thankfully I am no longer in that situation and am safe.

As soon as the explosion was over Kelly ran into the house.

"Stella Carver calls out" Kelly yelled.

He quickly found Stella and ran up to her. She woke up and groaned in pain.

"Hey, you caught some shrapnel dont move," Kelly told her.

Stella groaned in pain again when Kelly applied pressure.

"I know I know I'm sorry ssh" Kelly soothed.

Sylvie and Violet got there a minute later and got Stella on the Stretcher. She screamed in pain when she was lifted up and placed on the stretcher.

"Ssh ssh you going to be ok" Kelly soothed.

They got into the ambulance and kelly continued holding pressure. Stella was groaning in pain the whole time because of the pressure and all Kelly wanted to do is hold her hand but he couldn't. Once Stella was done getting an iv in and getting her hooked up to the monitors she took over applying pressure.

"I know it hurts I know the pain meds should kick in soon just squeeze my hand as hard as you need to I've got you" Kelly soothed, Stella had a death grip on his hand.

They got to the hospital and Kelly went back with Stella while they evaluated her.

"She has a grade 2 concussion and we need to get her up to surgery to wash out and repair her wound," Marcel told Kelly.

Stella got rolled up to surgery and Kelly went to update everyone.

"She's going to be ok. There is no permanent damage she's in surgery now to clean out and repair everything.

Everyone except for kelly went back to the house and Kelly stayed in the waiting room. Crockett walked up to him an hour later.

"She did great everything went smoothly she is going to make a full recovery. She's still asleep but you can see her now" Crockett told him.
He got into the room and sat down in the chair next to her bed and grabbed her hand. He dozed off after an hour. He woke up to Stella groaning in pain trying to reach for the water.

"I've got it hang on," Kelly told her.

He got the cup of water for her and held it to her lips. She slowly took a couple of sips then laid back down and groaned in pain.

"Hey, honey how's your pain?" Kelly asked.

"My side and head are killing me" Stella replied.

"Squeeze my hand as hard as you need to," Kelly said.

"You have a concussion and you had surgery on your side to repair and clean everything out they had you on some pretty strong pain meds hopefully they can give you more soon," Kelly told her.

Crockett came in a minute later.

"Hey, Stella you did great in surgery your going to make a full recovery. You have a grade 2 concussion which will take about 3 weeks to heal and your stitches can come out in about 2 weeks. Then you need to rest for a week or 2 depending on how you feel" Crockett told them.

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