Stomach Bug Hailey and Vanessa

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Vanessa woke up feeling a little off but thought nothing of it. Her stomach hurt but she thought it was just from all of the snacks she had eaten with the team the previous night during their movie marathon. She went and showered and her stomach felt a little better afterward. She finished getting ready and then went downstairs to the kitchenware Hailey was making breakfast.

"Hey, I'm making hashbrowns do you want some?" Hailey asked.

"No I'm good I'm not hungry thank you though" Vanessa replied,

"You ok?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah I just ate a lot last night" Vanessa replied.

"Ok let me know if anything changes," Hailey told her.

"Ok I will thank you" Vanessa responded.

They both went to work together 20 minutes later. Jay was acting Sargent since both Trudy and Voight were away at a conference. They started on their case and worked on getting details

"Everyone goes get lunch and be back in an hour and a half," Jay told everyone.

Hailey, jay, and Vanessa all went to a salad place for lunch and talked until they had to go back. When they got back Vanessa's stomach started to get worse and Hailey noticed.

"Hey, you ok?" Hailey asked Vanessa when she walked into the breakroom.

"Yeah, my stomach just hurts a little I just need some water," Vanessa said as she was grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

"I have some tums on my desk they should help," Hailey told her.

They went back to their desks and Hailey got Vanessa some tums from her desk.

"Thanks," Vanessa said as she took the tums.

"Of course let me know if you get worse" Hailey replied.

The team continued looking for details so they could get enough information to get a warrant. An hour later Vanessa ran out of the bullpen and to the bathroom. Jay and Hailey looked at each other and Hailey stood up and ran after her. When she got to the bathroom Vanessa was leaning over the toilet throwing up. Hailey pulled her hair back, rubbed her back, and comforted her.

"You're ok it's ok I've got you ssh" Hailey soothed.

Once Vanessa was done Hailey helped her stand up and walk to the sink. Vanessa washed her hands and splashed her face off with water and went and sat on the bench.

"I'll be right back," Hailey said.

She quickly went to the bullpen and walked up to Jay.

"Vanessa's throwing up. I need to take her home" Hailey told him.

"Ok get her home and stay with her. I'll call you when we're done for the day. Tell Vanessa I hope she feels better.

"Ok thank you" Hailey replied.

Hailey went and got Vanessa and they drove home. Once they got home they both changed into sweats. Vanessa threw up again a couple of minutes later and Hailey comforted her the whole time. Once she was done Hailey got her back to bed and went to work on paperwork on her laptop in the living room. Just as she was finishing up Vanessa ran out of her room and to the bathroom. Hailey quickly followed with after her.

"Ssh your ok it's ok just let it all out I've got you" Hailey soothed while holding her hair back and rubbing her back.

Once she was done Vanessa splashed her face off with water then they both went and sat on the couch. Hailey grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Vanessa then turned on the tv. They watched tv for an hour before Jay called.

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