Cramps Stellaride

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I got a request for Stella having really bad cramps and Kelly taking care of her.

Stella woke up one morning to her period. She groaned in annoyance. She got out of bed and got ready for work making sure to put extra pads and tampons in her bag, as well as a change of pants and underwear. On the way to work her cramps started. She tried to hide it but Kelly noticed.

"You ok babe?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah just cramps" Stella replied.

"I'm sorry babe let me know if there is anything I can do," Kelly told her.

Stella reached into her bag and took some Advil then walked into the station. A couple of minutes later the Advil kicked in. They got called to a fire two hours later. Halfway through the call, Stella's cramps returned full force. When she got back Kelly could tell she wasn't feeling good. He saw her trying to hide her pain and pulled her into a hug.

"Cmerre" Kelly said as he pulled her into a hug.

"It hurts" Stella whispered into his ear.

"I know I'm sorry let's go into my office," Kelly said quietly

They went into his office and he got her Advil then laid down with her and began to massage her stomach. They stayed like this until they got called to another scene. Stella barely made it through because of how bad her pain was. She had horrible cramps and her back was throbbing. As soon as they got back she went and laid down in Kelly's office trying not to cry. Kelly came in shortly after and kissed her head.

"You ok?" Kelly asked.

"No my cramps are horrible and my back is throbbing," Stella replied.

"I'm sorry cmere honey," Kelly said as he pulled her into his chest. He used one hand to rub her back and the other to massage her stomach. When dinnertime hit, Stella barely ate. Her cramps were making her nauseous. Kelly saw that she barely ate and was worried.

"Hey babe are you ok? You barely ate" Kelly asked.

"My cramps are making me nauseous"

"I'm sorry babe Do you want to go home?" Kelly asked.

"No" Stella replied.

Stella was able to fall asleep soon after. She got woken up by the bells a few hours later but it was just for the ambulance so she got up and used the bathroom. As she was washing her hands she got a super bad cramp and almost collapsed because of it. She hobbled back to Kelly's office. It was the middle of the night so everyone was in their bunks so no one saw her. Kelly woke up when he heard the door opening and saw Stella hobbling in and immediately turned on the light.

"Stella, are you ok?" Kelly asked.

"No it hurts so bad" Stella cried.

"Ssh I know it hurts I'm so sorry cmere" Kelly soothed as he pulled her into a hug. Stella clung to him and was crying. Kelly was worried. Stella had a high pain tolerance and almost never cried. Stella pulled away a few minutes later and Kelly got her some Advil and laid her down and began to massage her stomach. He wanted to take her home but also wanted to wait for Sylvie and Violet to get back so he could ask them if there was anything else he could do. They came back a few minutes later and he left her in his office and went to ask Sylvie and Violet what else he could do for her.

"Hey Stella is having really bad cramps what else can I do besides having her take Advil?" Kelly asked.

"Use pamprin as well. Alternate between Advil and pamprin. Use a heating pad. Heat helps" Sylvie replied. She went into the ambo and got some heat packs and gave them to Kelly.

"Ok thank you," Kelly said as he turned to walk back to his office. When he got there, Stella was in a fetal position but asleep. He didn't want to wake her so he carefully got in bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her. Kelly woke up a few hours later to Stella groaning in pain.

"Sssh, your ok it's ok," Kelly said as he grabbed a heat pack, activated it, and put it on Stella's stomach. He grabbed his phone and checked the time, it was 7 a.m. He fell back asleep for an hour before waking up for breakfast, Stella was nauseous again so she barely ate. Thankfully they didn't get a call the rest of their shift. By the time the shift ended, she could barely walk because of the pain. Kelly helped her to the car and then into their apartment once they got home. As soon as they got home Stella curled up in bed with a heating pad. Kelly came in and laid down next to her and held her. They took a nap for a bit but when they woke up Stella was in a ton of pain and was starving. Kelly got her some medicine and then went to the store and picked up some sushi. They ate and Stella's cramps were to the point where she almost threw up. Kelly went and started a warm bath for her. Once it was ready he got her in. he began to massage her stomach and could feel how tense she was. She also kept wincing in pain every so often.

"Try and relax for me baby," Kelly told her.

"It hurts so bad," Stella said holding back tears.

"Ssh I know I'm so sorry you're in so much pain I wish I could do more to help" Kelly replied. "Is your back still sore?" he asked.

"Yeah it's throbbing it hurts to move" Stella replied.

"I'm sorry baby," Kelly said as he kissed her head.

They stayed in the bath until the water started to get cold. They got out and back into their pajamas and went into the living room and watched TV. Kelly got a heating pad and had Stella in his lap. A few hours later the pain hit again. She was hot and sweaty because of the pain. She had just taken Advil an hour ago so she couldn't take anything for a while, Kelly got up and got a cool wash cloth and wiped her face down then laid it across her forehead. He sat down and Stella grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

"Ssh I'm here I've got you" Kelly soothed.

Kelly massaged her back and stomach until she fell asleep. When she woke up she was still in a lot of pain.

"How are you feeling babe?" Kelly asked.

"Awful" Stella replied.

"I'm sorry" Kelly replied.

They spent the rest of the night cuddled up together. They both slept in the next morning. Stella felt better for the first hour that she was in but then the pain came back again. She was in the kitchen making a smoothie when the pain hit her out of nowhere. She doubled over in pain and nearly collapsed to the floor. Kelly was right next to her and was able to catch her.

"Stella, are you ok?" Kelly asked.

"No, the pain hit me out of nowhere it's so bad" Stella replied.

"I'm sorry baby I'm going to get you back in bed," Kelly said as he lifted her up. He carried her to bed and then got a heat pack ready and gave it to her. He went back into the kitchen and finished making her smoothie. Once he was done he went back into their room handed her the smoothie and pulled her into his lap. She was holding her cup with one hand and his hand tightly with her other.

"Ssh you ok Keep squeezing my hand as hard as you need to I'm here I've got you" Kelly soothed.

Once she was done with her smoothie she put the cup on the nightstand and slid off of Kelly's lap and laid down in the fetal position and got a little relief from that. That was how they spent the rest of their day. Kelly made sure to keep on top of pain medicine and made sure the heat pack was always warm. The next day Stella's cramps were a lot better and she was able to return to work pain-free.

Bit of a shorter one I started having writers block at the end.

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