Flu Stellaride

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Stella and Kelly woke up to their alarm and got ready for the day. Once they were ready they headed into work. Soon after they got there they got called out to a house fire. They were able to quickly put out the fire and headed back to the firehouse for breakfast. Soon after breakfast Stella began to get a headache but thought nothing of it. She was sitting in the common room talking with everyone when they got called to rescue a person that was trapped. After that call her headache got worse so she took some Advil. She continued to feel worse throughout the day but ignored it and pretended everything was fine. Kelly saw right through it and decided to keep an eye on her. Kelly was at the squad table and hadn't seen Stella for an hour so he went to go find her. She wasn't in the common room so he went to the bunks and she was asleep. He walked up to her and knew something was wrong right away. She was very pale. He felt her forehead and she was burning up. He went to go tell Boden he was bringing her home. He went to Boden's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Boden said.

"Hey I need to take Stella home and I dint want her to be alone. She's pale and has a fever." Kelly told him.

"Ok get her home. I'll call im a relief for you guys" Boden replied.

"Ok thank you" Kelly responded.

"Hey baby let's go home your burning up," Kelly said as he rubbed her back to wake her up.

"Uggh" Stella groaned.

"I know you dont feel good let's go home," Kelly told her.

Stella tried to stand up but was dizzy, so, Kelly carried her to the car. She fell asleep on the way home so he carried her in and put her in bed then crawled in next to her and pulled he into his chest. A few hours ago Kelly felt the covers come off of him. He woke up to see that Stella was sweating and had woken up,

"You ok babe?" Kelly asked.

"No I'm so hot" Stella replied.

"Ok ill be right back," Kelly said as he got up and went to the bathroom to get some cold washcloths.

Kelly got some clod washcloths and a thermometer and brought them to Stela.

"I'm gonna take your temperature and get some washcloths on you to cool you off," Kelly told her.

He took her temperature and it was 103

"Your temperature is 103 I'm gonna get some Advil and then put some cold washcloths on you to get it down," Kelly told her.

"Uggh ok" Stella replied.

Kelly got the Advil and gave it to Stella. Once she took it she laid back down and Kelly got the washcloths on her. Once he had gotten the washcloths on her he laid down next to her and held her hand. 30 minutes later he took them off and took her temperature again.

"Your fever went down to 102.5 babe. Try and get some more sleep, I can tell you're tired.

Stella fell asleep and Kelly held her for a bit then fell asleep himself. He woke up 2 hours later and got out of bed to make dinner. He made tomato soup and then woke Stella up so she could eat and take more medicine.

"Hey I need you to wake up and eat and take some medicine for me," Kelly said as he rubbed her back.

Stella got out of bed and they went into the kitchen and ate.

"Do you want to go back to bed or stay out here and watch something?" Kelly asked.

"Stay out here" Stella replied.

They went over to the couch and cuddled up and started to watch Annabelle. 20 minutes into the movie Stella ran up to the bathroom and threw up her dinner. Kelly was close behind her.

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