Strep Hailey Natalie and Will

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I got a request for Hailey to get sick when jays out of town and Will and Natalie take care of her.

Jay went out of town for 10 days for an event with his old military team.

Hailey drove Jay to the airport and they said goodbye to each other for 10 days

"I love you so much babe ill call every day," Jay told her

"I love you too" Hailey replied

They hugged and Hailey went home. When she got home it was late so she went straight to bed. She woke up the next morning with a sore throat but didn't think much of it. She just thought her throat was dry from sleeping. She drank some water and coffee and it helped. She went to work and felt fine until lunch. The symptoms hit her out of nowhere. She had a bad headache and her throat was killing her. She tried to pretend she was ok but Voight could tell she didn't feel good.

"Hey Upton are you ok," Voight asked

"Yeah I'm fine" Hailey replied

"You don't look fine you look like you have a fever," Voight told her

"I'm fine I just need water," Hailey said

Hailey went into the breakroom to get water and Voight went downstairs to get Trudy.

"Hey I think Hailey has a fever she looks flushed and she's pale," Voight told Trudy

"Crap she just had the flu 2 months ago poor kid can't catch a break" Trudy responded

"Can you come to talk to her? she opens up more with you. Voight asked

"Yeah of course" Trudy replied

Trudy went up and into the locker room where Hailey was.

"Hey kid you don't look too good tell me what's wrong," Trudy told her

"Nothing I'm fine" Hailey replied

"No Hailey talk to me I know you're not ok," Trudy said
"Fine my throat and head hurt" Hailey replied

"I'm sorry kid you're burning up" Trudy replied feeling your forehead

"I don't feel good" Hailey admitted

"I know I'm sorry I'm gonna call will," Trudy said rubbing her back

T Hey Will Haileys is sick. She has a fever and her throat hurts

W Ok I'm on my way ill be there in 15

T Ok thanks.

"Wills going to be here in 15 to pick you up, Hails.

"Ok" Hailey replied

Will ran to his truck and started driving to the district. He called Natalie who was at the store with Owen on the way there.

W Hey I know it's a big ask but Hailey is sick and Jay is out of town can she stay with us for a bit?

N Of course I love Hailey shes family. Anything for her. My mom has been wanting a weekend with Owen so ill just drop him off there. I'm walking to check out right now. What are Hailey's symptoms?

W ok thank you and she has a fever and sore throat

N ok ill go to the pharmacy aisle and pick up some stuff I should be home within the hour.

W ok thank you I love you

N of course I love you too.

Natalie went to the pharmacy aisle and got cough drops throat numbing spray, Nyquil, and dayquil. She also picked up some honey and tea. She checked out and then brought Owen over to his mom's.

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