The team meets Hailey Upstead

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I got a request for Hailey to be married to Jay nit not in intelligence yet.

Hailey and Jay had met when intelligence worked with robbery homicide on a case 2 years ago. They clicked as soon as they met. After 11 months of dating, they got married. It was now almost a year later and their first kid, Serenity, was 5 weeks old. Jay had been back for a week after paternity leave. Hailey was at home and Serenity wouldn't calm down. Hailey was getting overwhelmed and called Jay

H Hey are you busy

J No just paperwork is everything ok

H Serenity won't calm down. I want to get her out of the house can I come to visit

J Let me talk to my boss and I'll call you back

H Ok

Jay hung up and went and knocked on Voights office door

"Come in," Voight said

"Hey, Serenity won't calm down and Hailey is getting overwhelmed. Can she stop by for a bit?" Jay asked

"Yeah of course I'm sure everyone would love to meet her and serenity" Voight replied

"Thanks, sarge" Jay replied

"No problem," Voight told him.

Jay went back into the breakroom and called Hailey

J Hey my boss is cool with you coming

H Ok, thanks I'll be over in a bit.

30 minutes later Hailey got there and Jay went and got her. When he got there  Hailey and Trudy were talking.

"Oh my god Hailey Upton is that you? I haven't seen you in years." Trudy asked

"I'm doing good. I just had a baby girl. How are you?" Hailey asked

"She's beautiful, what's her name?" Trudy asked

"Serenity Iris Halstead" Hailey replied

They talked for a couple of minutes then went up.

"Hey I have someone I want you guys to meet this is my wife Hailey and this is my daughter Serenity," Jay told everyone

They all introduced themselves to Hailey and Vanessa and Kim clicked with her right away. They all talked for a bit and Trudy walked up soon after. She went and knocked on Voight's office.

"Come in," Voight said

"Hey hank I know you're looking for a new member for your unit and you usually pick out members yourself but I think Hailey would be a great fit. I met her when she was 12 and her father's diner was robbed. She got promoted to Detective after she had a huge undercover case." Trudy told her

"Yeah I heard about that I was actually looking into that" Voight replied

A couple of minutes later Voight got Jay and went into the breakroom.

"Hey Jay come with me for a second" Voight told him

They both walked into the breakroom.

"Hey Hailey how much longer are you on leave," Voight asked her

"7 weeks" Hailey replied

"How would you like a spot in this unit when you return?

"I would love that thank you" Hailey replied

"Thanks, sarge," Jay told him

7 weeks later Hailey joined intelligence and loved it.

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