Exhausted Upstead

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Hailey talked to the victim's husband at the hospital after getting cleared. When she explained that she tried to get them both out of the water the husband was confused, his wife was supposed to be alone. The husband explained that he talked to her on the phone and she was doing a money run. He was confused because his wife was supposed to be alone and he hadn't been told about the other driver. Trudy walked up and offered to take him to see the other driver to see if he might recognize him. When hailey got back to the district Jay hugged her. She was eager to know what the gun desk said about the gun that was found on the man.

"What'd the gun desk say?" Hailey asked.

"The guns not registered the serial number matched a batch that was stolen from Indiana two months ago." Jay replied.

Hailey had Kevin pull POD and security footage from the bank she was at. When she watched the videos her suspicions were confirmed; the man she saved had robbed her. She immediately felt guilty for saving him instead of the woman. Jay saw her demeanor change and took her into the breakroom.

"Hey hails  this is not your fault," Jay told her.

"I saved the man instead of Lisa I could've saved her I saved the wrong person," Hailey said starting to tear up.

"No hails ssh this is not on you you couldn't have known that he had robbed her. You did everything you could" Jay soothed pulling her into a hug.

They sat there for 10 minutes before Hailey and Jay went back to the hospital to see if they could talk to the man. Once they got there they discovered the man was gone. Hailey tried to look for him but had no luck. She watched the security camera footage at med and it showed him leaving on foot. They went back to the district and no one could find any information about his identity or whereabouts. They tried to tack down where he came from but were having no luck. They figured out that he was coming from Lisa's restaurant. They figured out that the man had been stalking her. They found the man's car from when he had followed her after Lisa had picked up her daughter from school. They got a partial plate and were able to find him. His name was blake Mullen. They got a warrant and went to his house but he wasn't there.on the way back to the district jay could tell hailey was exhausted. He reached over and put his hand on her leg. Hailey figured out that he probably hadn't left town. Kevin Hailey, Jay, and Voight were all standing outside talking when hailey saw the man. Hailey and Jay started chasing him and Kevin and Voight got the car. She chased him into the gym and lost him. she went to search the indoor pool when he grabbed her. Hailey started fighting back, he slammed her into the wall and tried to grab her gun. Her gun got knocked out of her hands and she got him on the floor. H3 got on top of her and was able to get her gun. Hailey got him off of her by knocking him into the pool. She got her gun back and then dove in after him. Just as she got to the top of the pool jay came running in. he got the guy out of the pool and hailey had a death grip on the wall and was out of breath. Voight ran in soon after and got the man.

"Hey hailey are you ok?," Jay asked concerned.

"I need help I can't get out" Hailey replied shakily.

"Ok ok, I've got you," Jay told her as she pulled her out of the pool.

Once he got her pulled out he sat her down and put his jacket around her shoulders. Jay sat there and rubbed her back for 10 minutes until she got her breathing under control. Kevin had brought jays truck to the gym. They got in jays truck and he cranked up the heat. He held her hand the whole drive to the district. Once they got back to the district Hailey got changed into dry clothes. Once she got into dry clothes she went back up to the bullpen. Jay could tell just how exhausted she was when she got back up in the bullpen. Trudy came up a couple of minutes later to tell Hailey that Lisa's husband was downstairs. She told him that they got the guy who had been stalking his wife. Lisa's husband thanked hailey.

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