Search gone wrong Upstead

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I got a request for Hailey having  a dislocated shoulder

The team was searching a warehouse for a suspect. They were chasing him and he ran in there. It was dark even with their flashlights. Jay and Hailey got separated because of how dark it was. They were looking for each other when Hailey got grabbed aggressively. She screamed and Jay heard her and started trying to run toward the sound. The man slammed her on the ground, dislocating her shoulder in the process. He tried to fight back but he punched her in the eye. He was wearing a ring with spikes and it stabbed her in the eye. Jau found them a second after and got the man off of her and in cuffs. He shined his light on her and she was squeezing her eyes shut. Jay radioed the team where they were.

"Hails, are you ok? Can you open your eyes for me?" Jay asked frantically.

Hailey tried to open her eyes and immediately squeezed them shut.

"No oww it hurts" Hailey cried out

"Ok ok sssh you ok" Jay soothed. "What else hurts?" he asked.

"My shoulder. It hurts so bad" Hailey cried out.

"Ok ssh I'm gonna take a look," Jay said.

He turned on his flashlight and looked at her shoulder. He could tell it was dislocated.

"Oh, baby I'm so sorry I think your shoulder is dislocated," Jay told her.

"It hurts so bad" Hailey cried.

"I know it does I know ssh. Squeeze my hand" Jay soothed.

The team got there a few minutes later.

"What the hell happened?" Voight asked when he saw Hailey lying on the floor,

"The suspect attacked her. I heard her scream and when I ran over, he was on top of her. He dislocated her shoulder." Jay explained.

"OK, I'll call for an ambo. Kevin take him out of here.

Voight radioed for an ambo and Kevin took the suspect to his car and drove back to the district.
Sylvie and Violet got there a few minutes later.

"What happened" Sylvie asked.

"The suspect attacked her. Her shoulder looks dislocated and she can't open her eyes" Jay replied.

"Ok, Hailey what's your pain level?" Sylvie asked.

"9. It hurts so bad," Hailey replied.

"Ok we're gonna get you some relief" Sylvie replied.

Violet started an IV and pushed morphine.

"Ok, Hailry I apologize if it hurts but I  need to look at your eyes," Sylvie told her.

Hailey tightened the grip she had on Jay's hand. Sylvie looked in her left eye causing Hailey to cry out in pain and squeeze Jay's hand hard. When she looked in her right eye nothing happened.

"Ok, sweetie good news is I don't think you have a concussion. Bad news I think your left cornea is scratched." Sylvie told her.

"Ugh," Hailey groaned.

"I'm going to get your arm in a splint and get you on the gurney. I apologize in advance for any pain" Sylvie told her.

Hailey got her arm into a splint which caused her to cry out in pain.

"I know I'm sorry honey. I just gotta get you on the gurney now" Sylvie told her.

She lifted her onto the stretcher, causing her to scream in pain.

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