Beat up Dawsey

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This is from the beginning of the fire when Casey got beat up by Voight's guys after he made a report of Justin drunk driving. I know he was with Hallie in this but I wanted to rewrite it as him being with gabby.

Matt had a meeting with Boden after work so Gabby went home without him. Antonio was over and all 3 of them were supposed to watch a basketball game when Matt got home. Matt got out of his meeting and started walking to his car, he had to walk through an alley to get to his car. When he was walking to his car 2 masked men grabbed him and started to beat him up. He tried to fight back but was outnumbered. The attack only lasted a minute, but at the end of it, Matt was on the floor struggling to breathe. He sat up and sat against the dumpster for a couple of minutes before limping to his car. He drove home and walked in the door and called out for Gabby.

"Gabby" Matt called out

Gabby and Antonio ran over to him as soon as they saw him.

"Oh my god what happened," Gabby asked

"Who did this to you?" Antonio asked

"I don't know I was walking to my car and I got grabbed and attacked by 2 men. They were wearing masks" Casey replied shakily

"Ok let's get you to the couch, " Gabby told him

Antonio and Gabby got Matt to the couch.

"Stay with him I'm gonna go get the med kit," Gabby told Antonio

Gabby quickly ran to her car and got the med kit out of her trunk. She ran back into the house and went into the bathroom and got the first aid kit. Once she had grabbed everything she went back over to the couch.

"Ok, I'm going to check you over do you need help?" Gabby asked

"I think so" Matt replied

Gabby helped him take off his shirt and apologized when he groaned.

"Sorry sorry," Gabby said sympathetically

Matt's torso and chest were covered in bruises and a couple of scrapes.

"Ok I'm going to listen to your breathing lean forward," Gabby told him

He leaned forward and groaned in pain.

"I know I'm sorry" Gabby soothed

"Take a deep breath," Gabby told him

He took a deep breath and groaned in pain.

"Sorry take another deep breath," Gabby told him.

He took another deep breath and groaned in pain again.

"I know I'm sorry one more," Gabby told him

He took another deep breath and groaned in pain again.

"I know I'm sorry I'm done. Your breathing sounds good." Gabby told him

Antonio who was silently sitting on the couch spoke up.

"I'll be right back I'm going to grab something from my car," Antonio said

Antonio ran to his car and got his notepad.

"Ok I'm going to clean up your cuts now," Gabby told him

"Ok babe this is gonna sting," Gabby said as she opened a pack of antiseptic wipes.

She started to clean his cuts and he groaned in pain.

"I know I'm sorry" Gabby soothed

"Ok, I'm done I'm going to do a concussion test and feel your ribs," Gabby told him.

She did the concussion test and determined he had a slight concussion.

"Ok babe you have a slight concussion I'm going to feel your ribs now," Gabby told him

She felt his ribs and he groaned in pain multiple times.

"I know I'm sorry babe I think you need to go to the hospital you have some cracked ribs. I want to make sure it's not more serious" Gabby told him

"Ok" Matt replied

"Can I ask you a few questions real quick matt?" Antonio asked

"Sure" Matt replied

"Did you see any tattoos or any other distinctive marks like piercings on the men?" Antonio asked

"No, but I think Voight hired them. He threatened that something was going to happen to me if I didn't withdraw my statement" Matt replied

"Ok, I'm staying with you guys until we get this figured out. I don't want him to try to do anything else to you and I don't want him to try to do something to gabby. I can't say for sure he won't come after family members" Antionio told them

"Oh my god," Gabby and Matt said simultaneously

Antonio drove them to the hospital and they were all extra aware of their surroundings.

"What happened?" Will asked

"I got attacked on my way home from work" Matt answered

"He has a slight concussion and some cracked ribs. His breathing was normal" Gabby chimed in.

"Ok, I'm going to order some X-rays," Will said

"Ok thanks" Matt replied

"By slight concussion, you mean grade 1 right" Will asked Gabby

"Yes it's very slight barely even a grade 1 I think his ribs were hit the most" Gabby replied

"Ok" Will replied

Matt got his X-rays and Will read them.

"Ok, matt you have 6 cracked ribs. You need to stay home from work for the next 3 weeks. Ice often and alternate between Advil and Tylenol until the pain subsides."

"Ok thanks Will," Matt said.

"Ok I'm going to have patrol clear the house before we go back," Antionio told them

Patrol cleared the house and they went home. When they got home Gabby got ice and Advil for Matt.

"Hey gabs it's not safe for you to work while these guys are still on the loose" Antonio told her

"Ok how long are you staying," Gabby asked

"Until they catch them. Until then we will have cars at your house." Antonio replied

Matt called Boden to let him know what was going on.

C Hey sorry it's so late. I got attacked on my way home from work tonight. I'm ok I just have cracked ribs which will take 3 weeks to heal. I'll be out for at least 3 weeks. Voight men that he hired attacked me. Antonio isn't sure if they're going to come after gabby or not so he's recommending she stay home until they are caught.

B Ok thanks for letting me know. Call if you need anything. I hope you feel better. Keep me posted

C ok I will thanks chief.

They caught the men 2 weeks later and Gabby was able to go back to work. A week after that Matt got cleared to go back. Antonio and matt got a lot closer during the 2 weeks he stayed with them.

One Chicago one-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora