Pneumonia Upstead

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Hailey and Jay are dating in this one shot.

Hailey woke up for work feeling weird but thought it was allergies. She ignored it and got ready for work. She finished getting ready and took some allergy medicine then drove to work. She got there at the same time as Jay and they walked up together. Halfway through the day, they were waiting for their suspect to come out of the restaurant and Hailey wasn't feeling good. She kept sniffling and coughing and her eyes kept watering.

"You ok?" Jay asked.

"Yeah just allergies ill be fine" Hailey responded.

Right then the suspect came out. They all chased him and got him in custody. They got a confession surprisingly quickly and were able to finish the case. Hailey was glad. She felt horrible and wanted nothing more than to lay in bed and take a nap. Once everyone finished their paperwork, Voight sent them home. Jay could tell Hailey was not feeling well.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Jay asked as they walked to their cars.

"Yeah, my allergies are acting up. I just need more medicine and some sleep" Hailey replied.

They got to their cars and kissed then drove home. As soon as Hailey got home she changed into comfy clothes laid down in bed and took a nap. She woke up a few hours later, ate dinner, took a shower and went back to bed, hailey knew she was getting sick. She was never tired like this unless she was coming down with something. She woke up the next morning feeling like crap. She decided to push through and go to work. When she got there Jay could tell something was up.

"Hails you ok? You dont look like you're feeling good" Jay asked.

"Allergies again ill be fine" Hailey replied.

Hailey was scared to admit that she was sick. She used to get in trouble for being sick. Up until this point she either hid it when she was sick or pretended like it was something else. Jau could tell she wasn't telling the truth and decided to keep an eye on her. They finished for the day and Hailey didn't feel good at all. Jay decided to invite her over to his place so he could keep an eye on her and take care of her.

"Hey come to my place. I'll make soup and we can watch movies I can tell your not feeling good" Jay told her.

"Ok that sounds good thank you" Hailey replied.
Hailey wanted to go home and try to sleep whatever this was off but at the same time her anxiety was bad and she didn't want to be alone. She followed Jay to his house and grabbed her bag of spare clothes she kept in her car. When they got inside they got changed and then went to the couch and cuddled. Hailey ended up falling asleep in Jay's arms a few minutes later. He sat with her in his arms rubbing her back for a bit before he laid her down and put a blanket on her and started dinner. He knew she was sick but she didn't feel warm. He made some soup and then woke Hailey up when it was done. They ate and watched a movie. Hailey fell asleep halfway through the movie. When the movie ended Jay carried her to his room. He didn't want to wake her up and didn't want her driving home in her condition. Hailey woke up at 4 a.m. and didn't realize where she was. She realized she was in Jay's bed and got embarrassed. Jay woke up when she felt her get out of bed.

"Hails you ok?" Jay asked.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep here," Hailey said embarrassed.

"Hey it's OK I dont mind. You fell asleep on the couch and I didn't want you driving home. Come back to bed," Jay replied motioning for her to get back in bed,

Hailey got back in bed and Jay kissed her head. They both fell asleep again and woke up at 9 a.m. since it was Saturday and didn't have to come in unless something happened. When Hailey woke up she felt even worse. Jay took one look at her and knew she probably had a fever. He went to feel her forehead and she flinched away.

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