Cyclic vomiting syndrome Upstead

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I got a request for jay having cyclic vomiting syndrome and Hailey taking care of him. They are married in this one shot.

Jay woke up feeling a little nauseous but ignored it. He was able to hider it all day at work and went to bed that night hoping to feel normal in the morning. He got woken up in the middle of the night to stomach pain. He didn't feel like he was gonna throw up but his stomach hurt. He quietly got out of bed and got some water and medicine. He got back in bed without waking Hailey and fell back asleep. The next morning he felt worse but decided to go to work and push through. Hailey noticed he was off.

"You alright?" Hailey asked,

"Yeah just a little tired I didn't sleep much last night. I just need some coffee and I'll be good" Jay replied.

Hailey could tell something else was going on but decided not to push it. They got ready for work and went in. Hailey kept an eye on Jsy when they got there. Jay was feeling worse but they caught a case so he pretended he was fine. They went to bring a suspect in for questioning and he ran. The team chased after him and Jay was the one who tackled him. He cuffed him and then ran to the side and threw up. Adam and Kevin grabbed the suspect and Hailey ran over to Jay. He finished throwing up as Hailey got there.

"You ok?" Hailey asked as she put her hand on his back.

"Yeah sorry" Jay replied

"No Jay you're not fine. You've been off all day. What's going on?" Hailey said as she looked him over, noticing how pale he was.

"I think it's just a stomach bug I'll be fine I'm ok," Jay told her.

Voight told them to go home and they got in the truck and Hailey had Jay get in the passenger side and gave him a water.

"Hailey I'm fine really," Jay said as he opened the water.

"You pale and shaking. You just threw up you're not ok." Hailey replied.

Hailey drove to the district to get their things.

"Stay here I'll be right back," Hailey said as she parked.

She quickly ran in and got their stuff and ran back to the car. She drove home and they went inside and changed. Jay sat on the couch and Hailey went over to him with a thermometer. She took his temperature and it was normal. Jay was starting to get a headache so she leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes. Hailey cleaned up the apartment a little and when she came back Jay was lying on the couch sleeping. She put a blanket over him and kissed his head. She grabbed her earbuds and sat down on the couch by his head and watched Netflix on her phone until he woke up. Jay woke up with a pounding headache.

"How are you feeling?" Hailey asked.

"My head is pounding" Jay replied.

"I'm sorry babe. You still don't feel warm" Hailey said as she felt his forehead.

She went and got some Advil and brought it back to him. He took it and laid back down. A couple minutes later he ran to the bathroom and threw up. Hailey was close behind him.

"Ssh your ok it's ok your safe" Hailey soothed.

He finished throwing up a few seconds later and leaned back against the bathtub. Hailey got a washcloth and wiped his face down. He threw up again a few minutes later and Hailey comforted him. He stayed in the bathroom for a while because he kept on throwing up. He was eventually able to leave the bathroom after close to 45 minutes and Hailey had him get in bed. She got in beside him and they watched TV for an hour later Hailey's stomach growled.

"I'm gonna go make myself a sandwich real quick. Do you want some soup?" Hailey asked.

"I'm not hungry" Jay replied.

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