Loss Brettsey

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A/N sorry it took so long for me to update life has been chaotic. I just ended my semester so I will try to post a lot over break.

It was a normal day at 51. Sylvie and Gianaan were cleaning the ambo and talking when Sylvie's mom Julie walked in. as soon as Sylvie saw her she knew something was wrong.

"Hi," Julie said.

"Hey, are you ok?" Sylvie asked.

"Yeah I'm just having contractions again" Julie replied.

"How often," Sylvie asked placing her hands on Julies stomach.

"Pretty regularly I've been timing them its about every 6 or 7 minutes and they are a lot stronger than last time" Julie responded.

Gianna and Sylvie concluded she was in labor and told.

"Those sound like real contractions," Gianna said.

"Sounds like you're going to have a baby" Sylvie added.

Jule started panicking because her due date wasn't for over a month. Both Sylvie and Gianna assured her that they'd delivered plenty of healthy babies like this and not to worry. They got her into the ambo and Gianna drove and Sylvie sat in the back with her. Once they got to the hospital they got in a room and Sylvie talked to her and held her hand until they took her up to labor and delivery. Once she was wheeled away Sylvie called Scott and sat in the waiting room nervously waiting for an update. The doctor came out a while later and told her that there was a small complication but they were on top of it and she didn't have to worry, as soon as the doctor walked away Sylvie texted Matt what was happening. Matt was at Molly's talking with Mouch when he got the text.

S Julie had complications I need you here

Matt stepped out to call Sylvie as soon as he got the text.

M what happened

S I'm not sure they said she had a placental abruption

M Ok I'm on my way everything is going to be ok
S im scared Matt

M I know I know baby I will be there soon just hang in there

As soon as Matt got there they hugged. They sat in the waiting room together and Matt rubbed her back and held her hand. They did this until the doctor came out. Sylvie ad Matt both walked up to her and Matt felt her tense when she saw the grim look on the doctor's face.

"What happened what's wrong? Sylvie asked Shakily.

"I'm sorry she bled out on the table we did everything we could she lost too much blood" The doctor informed them.

"I- is the baby ok?" Sylvie asked

"Yeah, she's perfectly healthy you can go see her," The doctor told her.

Sylvie went and saw the baby and Matt stayed in the waiting room. Sylvie came out an hour later with tears in her eyes and Matt walked over to her and hugged her.

"Cmere baby,"  Matt said pulling her into a hug.

"Can we go home?" Sylvie asked shakily.

"Of course your place or mine?" Matt asked.

"Yours I can't be in my apartment yet and I dont want to be alone" Sylvie replied.

"Ok, you're staying with me tonight you can stay as long as you want," Matt told her and kissed her head.

They drove back to Matts's place and Sylvie went and sat on the couch. Matt grabbed a water bottle and brought it over to her.

"Try and drink some of this" Matt told her.

Sylvie drank half of the water before setting it down and begging to sob.

"I d-did-didn't eve-even get to ay g-goo-goodbye" Sylvie sobbed.

"Ssh I know I'm so sorry" Matt soothed pulling her into a hug and rocking her.

Matt sat there rubbing her back, rocking her, and whispering words of comfort to her for 30 minutes before she fell asleep in Matts's arms. Matt got her in bed and crawled in besieged her and pulled her into his chest. Surprisingly she slept through the night. They both woke up at 1p the next morning and Sylvie immediately started to cry. Matt pulled her into his lap and allowed her to cry. He rubbed her back and held her hand the whole time until Sltvie pulled away.

"I need to get my mind off of this I need to go to the gym can you come with me I dont want to be alone," Sylvie asked.

"Of course babe" Matt replied.

They both grabbed protein bars and ate them on the way to the gym. They stayed at the gym for 2 hours before going home. Once they got back to Matts they ordered a pizza and watched movies all day. The next day they had work again and Sylvie wanted to go in. Once she got there everyone hugged her and gave her their condolences. Halfway through the shift Scott came in and told Sylvie he wanted her to take the baby.

"Hey, Scott is everything ok?" Sylvie asked when she saw him walk into the firehouse.

"I need to talk to you in private" Scott told her

They went into a private area of the firehouse.

"Are you ok? Is everything ok?" Sylvie asked.

"I need you to take the baby I can't do this alone this wasn't supposed to happen she was supposed to be here," Scott told her.

"I know but everything is going to be ok your going to be ok," Sylvie told him.

"No, I can't I need you to take her" Scott replied.

"I need some time to think of this" Sylvie responded.

Scott walked out and Sylvie walked into Matts's office and sat on his bed and waited for him to get back. He got back on a couple of minutes later and went to his office.

"Scott wants me to take the baby I can't-" Sylvie said starting to hyperventilate.

"Ssh Sylvie just breathe it's ok your ok" Matt soothed rubbing her back.

"I can't take the baby I can't this wasn't supposed to happen," Sylvie said shakily.

"I know baby I know it's going to be ok you dont have to make any decisions right now it's ok" Matt soothed.

He pulled her into a hug and she began to sob even harder.

"Ssh" Matt soothed hugging her and rubbing her back.

They sat there for 30 minutes before Sylvie pulled away.

Sylvie muscled through the rest of the shift and went back to Matts. Once she got there she was exhausted and fell asleep. When she woke up they ordered food and hung out for the rest of the day. The next day was Sylvie's mom's funeral. Matt stayed with her the whole time. After the funeral, Scott informed Sylvie that he was going to keep the baby and would be moving in with family an hour outside of Chicago. Because of this Sylvie was still a part of her sister's life and went up there every chance she got.

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