Not your fault Hailey and Vanessa

496 6 1

Tw for sexual assualt i will be mentioning rape but it wont be explict/

Vanessa had her first date with a guy named Payton she met on tinder. She got ready and then walked out to the kitchen where Hailey was.

"Hey how do I look" Vanessa asked

"You look amazing" Hailey replied

"Thanks" Vanessa replied

"Keep your phone all night. Call me or text me the code word if anything happens. Have fun and stay safe" Hailey told her.

"Thanks, Hails" Vanessa replied.

Vanessa drove to the restaurant they were meeting at and waited for Payton to get there. He got there 5 minutes later and they went in. once they got to their table they made small talk about their personal life. Vanessa excused herself to the bathroom and Payton slipped something in her shrink. Once she got back their food came and they both ate. Vanessa started to feel weird but thought it was just anxiety so she ignored it. After Payton paid he offered to take her back to his place.

"Wanna head back to my place and watch a movie?" Payton asked

"Sure" Vanessa replied

She got in her car and shot a quick text to Hailey.

V Hey ill be home late. I'm heading over to Payton's for a movie.

H Ok, glad you're having fun stay safe. Text me when you're on your way home

Vanessa followed Payton to his house. When they got there they sat down on the couch together and started watching a movie. Halfway through the movie, he grabbed her chest. She tried to pull away and get up but he pushed her back down hard.

"STOP MOVING" Payton screamed

"DONT TOUCH ME" Vanessa screamed

She thought she saw another opportunity to escape and tried to get up. He grabbed her wrist and yanked her back hard. She felt her wrist pop out but then pop back in when she tried to pull away. He overpowered her and slammed her to the floor. He got down to her level and lifted her up by the collar of her shirt pulling her inches away from his face. He had her lifted up so she couldn't kick anything. He screamed in her face.


He pushed her back on the couch and she was trembling.

"STOP SHAKING" Payton screamed hitting her hard in the back multiple times knocking the wind out of her. He got on top of her and raped and groped her. Vanessa was frozen. She was paralyzed with fear and couldn't fight back. Once he finished assaulting her he got up from the couch. This caused Vanessa to unfreeze. She got up and started running towards the door. She grabbed her keys and was about to get out the door when he grabbed her. He started to kick and hit her. She was able to fight back. She jammed her keys into his stomach and when he doubled over in pain she kicked him as hard as she could down there three times before getting up and running out. She got in her car and peeled out of the neighborhood shaking and sobbing, she was too distraught to drive so she pulled over in a neighborhood. She got her gun out of her car safe and texted Hailey.

V SOS help

As soon as Hailey got her text she called her while running out to her car.

V h-he-help

H Vanessa what happened are you ok what happened

V N-no he he ra-rape-raped and gr-gro-groped me. He h-hur-hurt m-me

H OK ok ssh just breathe I'm on my way everything s going to be oo. Are you safe?

V Y-yes-i have-my gun and my c-car-doo-doors are-locked

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