Miscarrige to rainbow baby Stellaride

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Tw for miscarriage

I got a request for Stella to have a miscarriage

Stella and Kelly were finally at the family planning stage of their relationship. Their current plan was to have two kids. They were trying but were so far unsuccessful. They had only started trying a little over a month ago so they weren't too discouraged.

Stella was on her period but it was lighter than usual. She thought it was just her body acclimating to being off birth control and thought nothing of it.

They were currently at the scene of a fire and it was a big one. It was a bad factory fire. Stella was searching for victims when suddenly debris fell and hit her in the stomach hard. She collapsed to the ground and screamed in pain. Her stomach felt like it was on fire and she could feel something wet on her legs. She knew something was terribly wrong. As she was about to call for help Mouch ran up to her.

"Stella are you ok what happened?" Mouch asked.

"No, I got hit with something. My stomach hurts so bad" Stella replied

"Ok I've got you I'm going to get you out of here," Mouch said as he reached for his radio. "Stella is down. I'm bringing her out now ' Mouch said into his radio.

He lifted her up causing her to cry out in pain.

"Sorry sorry" Mouch soothed

Kelly was outside grabbing tools from the truck when he heard the call. He ran towards the doors and met Mouch at the doors.

"What happened?" Kelly asked

"Falling debris hit her in the stomach. She's in a lot of pain" Mouch informed him.

Sylvie and Violet ran up to them with a stretcher and Mouch set her down on it Kelly grabbed Stella's hand.

"You're going to be ok baby it's ok" Kelly reassured her. 

Stella was crying from fear and pain and Kelly wiped her tears.

"My stomach is on fire" Stella choked out.

"Sssh, you're going to be ok. Squeeze my hand" Kelly soothed.

"Whats your pain level?" Sylvie asked.

"10. It hurts so bad and I feel something wet on my legs" Stella replied.

"Ok honey you're going to be ok we're gonna get you to med" Sylvie told her.

They got her in the ambo and closed the doors.

"I'm going to lower your pants," Sylvie told her. She waited for her to nod and lowered her pants. She was alarmed when she saw blood on her legs

"Stella, are you pregnant?" Sylvie asked.

"I don't know I don't think so" Stella replied, panicked.

"Ok your going to be ok" Sylvie reassured her.

They got to med a few minutes later and Kelly was still holding her hand. Dr. Asher came in a few minutes later and confirmed she was having a miscarriage.

"I'm so sorry Stella you're having a miscarriage. Your are only 3 weeks along there's no way you couldve known. I'm so sorry Dr. Asher informed them.

Stella began to cry and Kelly pulled her into a hug trying not to cry himself.

"Ssh I'm so sorry. It's going to be ok were going to be ok" Kellyb soothed.

DR.Asher gave them some privacy as they held each other and cried in each other's arms.

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